"Warmly recommended. It is that rare achievement, a lively book which at the same time takes the fullest possible advantage of scholarly knowledge." Charles C. Gillespie, "New York Times Book Review""
"Warmly recommended. It is that rare achievement, a lively book which at the same time takes the fullest possible advantage of scholarly knowledge." C...
"A discussion of the historical development of our ideas of time as they relate to nature, human nature and society. . . . The excellence of "The Discovery of Time" is unquestionable."-Martin Lebowitz, "The Kenyon Review"
"A discussion of the historical development of our ideas of time as they relate to nature, human nature and society. . . . The excellence of "The Disc...
The life and culture of Hapsburg Vienna before World War I the city of Freud, Schoenberg, Klimt, and Wittgenstein, whose philosophy announced the birth of the modern era. An independent work...challenging, new, and useful. New York Times Book Review.
The life and culture of Hapsburg Vienna before World War I the city of Freud, Schoenberg, Klimt, and Wittgenstein, whose philosophy announced the birt...
Toulmin überprüft in dieser Studie die These, daß die Wissenschaft ein Instrument sei, mit dessen Hilfe man aufgrund vergangener Erfahrungen zukünftige Erfahrungen voraussagen könne. Er zeigt, daß jeder hinreichend deutlich ausgeführte Prognosebegriff bereits einen Begriff des "Erklärens" impliziert und daß zum Kern unserer Vorstellungen vom "wissenschaftlichen Erklären" gewisse "Ideale der Naturordnung" gehören, deren Funktion und Wandel er für einige bedeutsame Epochen der Geschichte darlegt. Seine Absicht ist es, Voraussetzungen zu schaffen, von denen aus die entschei denden...
Toulmin überprüft in dieser Studie die These, daß die Wissenschaft ein Instrument sei, mit dessen Hilfe man aufgrund vergangener Erfahrungen zukün...
Stephen Toulmin Ronald W. Hepburn Alasdair MacIntyre
During the mid-1950s, three books appeared which, while theologically unfashionable at the time, can now be seen to have pointed the way forward that theology had to take. New Essays in Philosophical Theology, edited by Antony Flew and Alasdair Maclntyre, has been available ever since, and has been in increasing demand. Religious Language, by Ian T. Ramsey, now Bishop of Durham, was out of print in England for a while, but has been reissued and is in a second new impression. Metaphysical Beliefs, on the other hand, was never reprinted. It consists of three long essays, by Stephen...
During the mid-1950s, three books appeared which, while theologically unfashionable at the time, can now be seen to have pointed the way forward that ...