Throughout its first three centuries of existence, the Christian community, while new to the Roman world's pluralistic religious scene, portrayed itself as an historic religion. The early church community claimed the Jewish Bible as their own and looked to it to defend their claims to historicity. While Jews looked to Moses and the Sinai covenant as the focus of their historical relationship with God, the early church fathers and apologists identified themselves as inheritors of the promise given to Abraham and saw their mission to the Gentiles as the fulfillment of God's declaration that...
Throughout its first three centuries of existence, the Christian community, while new to the Roman world's pluralistic religious scene, portrayed itse...
Fully updated coverage of the entire bridge engineering process
Revised to reflect the latest codes, standards, and technical advances, this practical reference covers every aspect of highway bridge engineering and management. Bridge Engineering: Design, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of Modern HighwayBridges, Fourth Edition, features the latest analysis, design, and construction methods as well as up-to-date information on materials and components. Cutting-edge maintenance and repair techniques are explained in complete detail. Real-world case...
Fully updated coverage of the entire bridge engineering process
Revised to reflect the latest codes, standards, and technica...