Initially developed in Japan by Nintendo as a computer game, Pokemon swept the globe in the late 1990s. Based on a narrative in which a group of children capture, train, and do battle with over a hundred imaginary creatures, Pokemon quickly diversified into an array of popular products including comic books, a TV show, movies, trading cards, stickers, toys, and clothing. Pokemon eventually became the top grossing children's product of all time. Yet the phenomenon fizzled as quickly as it had ignited. By 2002, the Pokemon craze was mostly over. "Pikachu's Global Adventure" describes the...
Initially developed in Japan by Nintendo as a computer game, Pokemon swept the globe in the late 1990s. Based on a narrative in which a group of child...
Published twenty years ago, the original "Preschool in Three Cultures" was a landmark in the study of education: a profoundly enlightening exploration of the different ways preschoolers are taught in China, Japan, and the United States. Here, lead author Joseph Tobin along with new collaborators Yeh Hsueh and Mayumi Karasawa revisits his original research to discover how two decades of globalization and sweeping social transformation have affected the way these three cultures educate and care for their youngest pupils. Putting their subjects responses into historical perspective, Tobin,...
Published twenty years ago, the original "Preschool in Three Cultures" was a landmark in the study of education: a profoundly enlightening explorat...
Published twenty years ago, the original "Preschool in Three Cultures" was a landmark in the study of education: a profoundly enlightening exploration of the different ways preschoolers are taught in China, Japan, and the United States. Here, lead author Joseph Tobin along with new collaborators Yeh Hsueh and Mayumi Karasawa revisits his original research to discover how two decades of globalization and sweeping social transformation have affected the way these three cultures educate and care for their youngest pupils. Putting their subjects responses into historical perspective, Tobin,...
Published twenty years ago, the original "Preschool in Three Cultures" was a landmark in the study of education: a profoundly enlightening explorat...
When we look beyond lesson planning and curricula-those explicit facets that comprise so much of our discussion about education-we remember that teaching is an inherently social activity, shaped by a rich array of implicit habits, comportments, and ways of communicating. This is as true in the United States as it is in Japan, where Akiko Hayashi and Joseph Tobin have long studied early education from a cross-cultural perspective. Taking readers inside the classrooms of Japanese preschools, Teaching Embodied explores the everyday, implicit behaviors that form a crucially important-but...
When we look beyond lesson planning and curricula-those explicit facets that comprise so much of our discussion about education-we remember that teach...
Talks given at the Provincial Assembly for the Province of St. Albert the Great in January 2014. Talks by Archbishop Joseph Tobin, Fr. Michael Mascari, OP and Scott Appleby from the University of Notre Dame.
Talks given at the Provincial Assembly for the Province of St. Albert the Great in January 2014. Talks by Archbishop Joseph Tobin, Fr. Michael Mascari...
When we look beyond lesson planning and curricula-those explicit facets that comprise so much of our discussion about education-we remember that teaching is an inherently social activity, shaped by a rich array of implicit habits, comportments, and ways of communicating. This is as true in the United States as it is in Japan, where Akiko Hayashi and Joseph Tobin have long studied early education from a cross-cultural perspective. Taking readers inside the classrooms of Japanese preschools, "Teaching Embodied" explores the everyday, implicit behaviors that form a crucially important-but...
When we look beyond lesson planning and curricula-those explicit facets that comprise so much of our discussion about education-we remember that teach...
A significant and growing percentage of the children enrolled in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs in Europe and the United States are children of recent im/migrants. For most young (3-5 years old) children of parents who have come from other countries, ECEC settings are the first context in which they come face to face with differences between the culture of home and the public culture of their new country. For parents who have recently im/migrated to a new country, enrolling their child in an early childhood program is a key moment where cultural values of their home and...
A significant and growing percentage of the children enrolled in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs in Europe and the United States...