Willy Brandt once said that every good leader is also an amateur psychologist. Nowhere is that more true than in today's new breed of business organization. In the high-involvement, high-commitment organization of the 1990s, every manager is called upon to assume the role of leader, and the most successful leaders are those who possess the psychological insight and skills needed to motivate and empower their staffs, facilitate teamwork and cooperation, and unite all those working under them in a common cause.
Now Psychology for Leaders arms you with the core psychological...
Willy Brandt once said that every good leader is also an amateur psychologist. Nowhere is that more true than in today's new breed of business organiz...
Interdependence is a basic characteristic of organizations, yet it is only recently that managers, professionals, and employees have begun to appreciate that organizational success depends upon teamwork. This book provides managers, professionals, and employees with a concise and powerful understanding of productive teamwork in organizations.
Interdependence is a basic characteristic of organizations, yet it is only recently that managers, professionals, and employees have begun to apprecia...