The Scientists and Theologians who play parts in "Soul: God, Self and the New Cosmology" -Stephen Hawking -Matthew Fox -Ilya Prigogine -Paul Davies -John Polkinghorne -David Griffin -John Rodwell -David Schramm -Rowan Williams -Brian Swimme -Alan Guth -Steven Weinberg -Frank Tipler -Arnold Mandell -Roger Penrose -Danah Zohar -Thomas Berry
The Scientists and Theologians who play parts in "Soul: God, Self and the New Cosmology" -Stephen Hawking -Matthew Fox -Ilya Prigogine -P...
Synopsis: The Reformed tradition of worship in England has given the English-speaking world the Westminster Directory for the Public Worship of God, and the hymns of Isaac Watts. In this collection of essays, scholars and ministers who are inheritors of this tradition re ect on the continuities, innovations, and tensions in Reformed worship and their lived expression in contemporary church life. Among the tensions explored is that between order and freedom in worship, and the bold contention is made that "ordered freedom" is the scriptural mark of the church's worship and the character of all...
Synopsis: The Reformed tradition of worship in England has given the English-speaking world the Westminster Directory for the Public Worship of God, a...