Scholarly yet provocatively written, Academic Outlaws presents a discussion of how life in the academic world is experienced by gay men and lesbian women. Using a narrative style that mixes autobiography, case study data and fiction, William G Tierney provides timely insight into the challenges gays and lesbians face in higher education and proposes an alternative process for redefining long-established cultural norms.
Scholarly yet provocatively written, Academic Outlaws presents a discussion of how life in the academic world is experienced by gay men and lesbian wo...
This critique of modern academia is also a proposal for making campuses more effective -- that is, better at meeting the clients' or customers' needs. The author addresses the problems that many academic institutions have today in clinging to the practices and organization of the past. By outlining the many problems in organization that colleges and universities face today, the author hopes to reveal workable solutions.
This critique of modern academia is also a proposal for making campuses more effective -- that is, better at meeting the clients' or customers' nee...
Research on the organizational culture in higher education affirms that congruent cultures are better than fragmented ones, and that managing culture is an oxymoron. Such analyses often lead to the assumptions that unity of purpose is essential and leadership is impossible. This book reframes rather than suppresses these notions, and by respecting the differences, builds a commonality between them.
Using data on faculty socialization in academe, the authors consider how the work of cultural leadership becomes interpretation and facilitation rather than management. Through a series of...
Research on the organizational culture in higher education affirms that congruent cultures are better than fragmented ones, and that managing culture ...
Focuses on authorial representations of contested reality in qualitative research.This book focuses on representations of contested realities in qualitative research. The authors examine two separate, but interrelated, issues: criticisms of how researchers use "voice," and suggestions about how to develop experimental voices that expand the range of narrative strategies.
Changing relationships between researchers and respondents dictate alterations in textual representations--from the "view from nowhere" to the view from a particular location, and from the omniscient voice to the...
Focuses on authorial representations of contested reality in qualitative research.This book focuses on representations of contested realities in quali...
Today, institutional leaders face numerous struggles: intervention from boards of trustees, alumni, and state legislators; decline in financial support from the states; and competition in an increasingly global marketplace. While it is agreed that effective governance structures allow institutions to respond creatively to these challenges, how best to allocate control in order to maximize institutional efficiency, preserve academic freedom, and ensure institutional identity remains unclear. Increasingly, administrators look to non-academic institutions for governance and management...
Today, institutional leaders face numerous struggles: intervention from boards of trustees, alumni, and state legislators; decline in financial sup...
As the economic value of education increases, as more students seek to complete college courses while forgoing the -undergraduate experience, - and as funding for public higher education decreases, the for-profit higher education sector has exploded. In New Players, Different Game, William G. Tierney and Guilbert C. Hentschke compare for-profit and not-for-profit models of higher education to assess the strengths and weaknesses of both.
For-profit institutions offer a fundamentally distinct type of postsecondary education. Some critics argue the institutions are so different...
As the economic value of education increases, as more students seek to complete college courses while forgoing the -undergraduate experience, - and...
Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews. These cover a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities.
Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews. These cover a diverse arra...
Higher education is in a time of crisis--diminishing funds, rising costs, lack of student preparation for college work, low morale among students and faculty, strained relations between faculty and administration, and confusion about curriculum and educational goals. Tierney believes that the problems are moral. He suggests that by following principles used by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, institutions of higher learning can model themselves on communities of brotherly love and service to humanity. Tierney presents several case studies of postsecondary institutions and shows how academic...
Higher education is in a time of crisis--diminishing funds, rising costs, lack of student preparation for college work, low morale among students a...
Adults have been and remain marginalized in academic institutions because of the persistence of a deeply rooted culture bias. This work analyzes the current state of the adult student experience in higher education, exploring the organizational, instructional, and interpersonal barriers that adults face in reaching their educational goals. Using applied critical and postmodern theory, the author explores the hypothesis that adults are at-risk in higher education settings because of such bias. The book includes an extensive review and critique of the literature and of contemporary adult...
Adults have been and remain marginalized in academic institutions because of the persistence of a deeply rooted culture bias. This work analyzes th...
Colleges and universities are currently undergoing the most significant challenges they have faced since World War II. Rising costs, increased competition from for-profit providers, the impact of technology, and the changing desires and needs of consumers have combined to create a dynamic tension for those who work in, and study, postsecondary education. What worked yesterday is unlikely to work tomorrow. The status quo or bromides such as -stay the course- are insufficient responses in a market that demands creativity and innovation if an organization does not simply wish to survive, but...
Colleges and universities are currently undergoing the most significant challenges they have faced since World War II. Rising costs, increased competi...