Kusuma Snitwongse W. Scott Thompson Institute Of Southeast Asian Studies
This volume examines different ethnic configurations and conflict avoidance and resolution in five different Southeast Asian countries. Tin Maung Maung Than traces the history and impossibility of the current Myanmar regime's quest to integrate the various ethnic groups in the border regions while insisting on a unitary state with all real power kept to themselves. Rizal Sukma divides conflicts in Indonesia into horizontal (Kalimantan, Maluku and Sulawesi) and vertical ones (the Madurese versus the Dayaks) and assesses the prospects for peaceful resolution if the country's fledgling democracy...
This volume examines different ethnic configurations and conflict avoidance and resolution in five different Southeast Asian countries. Tin Maung Maun...
The eruption of Mt. Pinatuba represented more than the smothering of America's Clark Air Force Base and many of President Corazon Aquino's development plans. It also served as a metaphor both for the collapse of Philippine-American base negotiations, presaging an end to nearly a century of strategic relations, and for Aquino's unsuccessful attempt to undo the colossal damage of the Marcos era and construct coherent development programs. This book explores the connections between two central functions of third world governments - development and security - in an analysis of Aquino's six...
The eruption of Mt. Pinatuba represented more than the smothering of America's Clark Air Force Base and many of President Corazon Aquino's development...
It also served as a metaphor both for the collapse of Philippine-American base negotiations, presaging an end to nearly a century of strategic relations, and for Aquino's unsuccessful attempt to undo the colossal damage of the Marcos era and construct coherent development programs.
It also served as a metaphor both for the collapse of Philippine-American base negotiations, presaging an end to nearly a century of strategic relatio...