Description: Because of Luke's unique literary achievement in the Gospel of Luke and Acts, these two works raise a variety of interesting and important issues for the exegete. In this important collection of essays, Tannehill demonstrates why he has been in the forefront of Luke-Acts research for more than three decades. His nuanced approach to the intersection of literary, theological, and social features in the texts marks these as required reading for any interpreter of the gospels. Contents Part I: Theology, Poetry, Rhetoric 1 The Mission of Jesus according to Luke 4:16-30 2 The...
Description: Because of Luke's unique literary achievement in the Gospel of Luke and Acts, these two works raise a variety of interesting and importan...
Description: ""Most of the following essays reveal my interest in the significance of literary forms--both the short literary forms in the Gospels, such as pronouncement stories, and an entire Gospel as a formed narrative. I am interested in the significance of these forms, not just in literary classification systems . . . . I am interested in literary form as a clue to how the text may engage hearers and readers--impact their thought and life--if they are sensitive respondents. The Gospel stories have been shaped in ways that give them particular potentials for significant engagement. Study...
Description: ""Most of the following essays reveal my interest in the significance of literary forms--both the short literary forms in the Gospels, su...
Gräßer, Erich; Strobel, August; Tannehill, Robert C.
Die Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZNW) ist eine der altesten undrenommiertesten internationalen Buchreihen zur neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Seit 1923 publiziert sie wegweisende Forschungsarbeiten zum fruhen Christentum und angrenzenden Themengebieten. Die Reihe ist historisch-kritisch verankert und steht neuen methodischen Ansatzen, die unser Verstandnis des Neuen Testaments befordern, gleichfalls offen gegenuber.
Die Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZNW) ist eine der altesten undrenommiertesten internationalen ...