Randall Garvey, a self-educated billionaire, world-class ego and "doubting atheist," is elected President as the "lesser of three evils." He works secretly to satisfy his obsession with the search for extraterrestial life. He is accustomed to getting what he wants, and with help from a well-placed rogue senator, he devises a plan to evade the restrictions of a hostile congress. In silent partnership with the governments of Russian and Japan, garvey sends fortha a covert mission to Mars. The mission is energized by the discovery of an ancient scroll that bears a messafe for all mankind.
Randall Garvey, a self-educated billionaire, world-class ego and "doubting atheist," is elected President as the "lesser of three evils." He works sec...
Danny Loveless went to a church that wasn't. He had a wife and child but then he didn't. His psychiatrist is going crazy. Now, at the urging of Byron Shepherd, Danny is on his way to Japan in search of "Keiko," the perfect woman for whom he was "destined." Shepherd, real or imagined, claims to have come from a place where future minds are editing and deleting events to alter history. He says that Danny and Keiko will produce the progenitor of his own perfect mate. Follow Danny through a sensual world of flickering reality to the place where destinies collide, to a night of horror in a Kobe...
Danny Loveless went to a church that wasn't. He had a wife and child but then he didn't. His psychiatrist is going crazy. Now, at the urging of Byron ...