General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators to blend sound scholarship with life-related illustrations.
The design for the Preacher's Commentary gives the reader an overall outline of each book of the Bible. Following the introduction, which reveals the author's approach and salient background on the book, each chapter of the commentary provides the Scripture to be exposited. The New King James Bible has been chosen for the Preacher's Commentary because it combines with integrity the beauty of language, underlying Hebrew and Greek...
General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators to blend sound scholarship with life-related illust...
What is the role that tactical or non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNWs) play in NATO defense policy and strategy? This book examines the key issues surrounding this question as the Alliance seeks to redefine itself in the 21st century and meet the requirements in the Defense and Deterrence Policy Review.
What is the role that tactical or non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNWs) play in NATO defense policy and strategy? This book examines the key issues su...
Reading the Bible need not be a haphazard journey through strange and bewildering territory. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bible Book by Book takes you by the hand and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its key elements and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.
In an engaging,...
Reading the Bible need not be a haphazard journey through strange and bewildering territory. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bi...
he role and future of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe are subjects that sometimes surprise even experts in international security, primarily because it is so often disconcerting to remember that these weapons still exist. Many years ago, an American journalist wryly noted that the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was "a subject that drives the dagger of boredom deep, deep into the heart"- a dismissive quip which would have remained true right up until the moment World War III broke out. The same goes for tactical nuclear weapons: compared to the momentous issues that...
he role and future of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe are subjects that sometimes surprise even experts in international security, primarily becaus...
Barack Obama's "rebalancing" or "pivot" strategy, intended to demonstrate continued US commitment to the Asia-Pacific region in a variety of military, economic, and diplomatic contexts, was launched with much fanfare in 2011. Implicit in the new strategy is both a focus on China - engagement with, and containment of - and a heavy reliance by the United States on its existing friends and allies in the region in order to implement its strategy. This book explores the impact of the new strategy on America's regional friends and allies. It shows how these governments are working with...
Barack Obama's "rebalancing" or "pivot" strategy, intended to demonstrate continued US commitment to the Asia-Pacific region in a variety of milita...
Douglas Stuart Bruce M. Metzger David Allen Hubbard
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building...
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as...
Packing a wealth of insight into a succinct resource, CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: THE SPEAKER'S COMPACT HANDBOOK, 5th Edition, is a concise reference for the introductory public speaking course. An excellent value and useful to students in any major, this brief handbook grounded in research features speech excerpts and full-speech examples, illustrations, and critical thinking questions that students can use on their journey to becoming effective public speakers. The spiral-bound format and flexible standalone chapters allow students to access the topics they need to create great speeches...
Packing a wealth of insight into a succinct resource, CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: THE SPEAKER'S COMPACT HANDBOOK, 5th Edition, is a concise reference for...
Die Bibel - ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? Die Autoren widerlegen dieses altbekannte Vorurteil auf jeder Seite. Jeder kann die Bibel verstehen - was sie ihren ursprünglichen Lesern gesagt hat und was sie uns heute sagt. Mit diesem praktischen Arbeitsbuch bleiben Exegese und Hermeneutik keine Fremdworte. Das Buch, das man braucht, um die "sieben Siegel" der Bibel zu brechen - damit Bibellesen Freude bringt und nicht in die Irre führt.
Die Bibel - ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? Die Autoren widerlegen dieses altbekannte Vorurteil auf jeder Seite. Jeder kann die Bibel verstehen - was sie...