Mayday over Canada ... the world's only government-documented UFO crash. In 1965 a massive wave of UFO sightings occurs worldwide. In 1967 residents of Shag Harbor, Canada, witness a huge UFO crash into the bay. Three Royal Canadian Mounties watch it float before sinking. Navy divers mount an extensive search. Now officials say nothing ever happened. Why? Researchers Don Ledger and Chris Styles -- Styles himself an eyewitness to the Shag Harbor crash -- have tackled one of the best documented and most top-secret incidents in the annals of UFO sightings. What they have found out...
Mayday over Canada ... the world's only government-documented UFO crash. In 1965 a massive wave of UFO sightings occurs worldwide. In 1967 ...
Top Secret/Majic is the result of nuclear physicist and renowned UFO investigator Stanton T. Friedman's twenty-one year search for the truth about the mysterious Operation Majestic 12, President Truman's top-secret UFO investigation team. In this updated edition of his landmark book, he tells the incredible tale of the July, 1947 recovery of a crashed flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico, and the establishment by President Truman of a truly all-star cast to deal with the saucer and its non-human inhabitants. The first four Directors of Central Intelligence, the first Secretary of Defense,...
Top Secret/Majic is the result of nuclear physicist and renowned UFO investigator Stanton T. Friedman's twenty-one year search for the truth about the...
Eternal youth is a wonderful thing for the few who have it, but for Miriam Blaylock, it is a curse -- an existence marred by death and sorrow. Because for the everlasting Miriam, everyone she loves withers and dies. Now, haunted by signs of her adoring husband's imminent demise, Miriam sets out in serach of a new partner, one who can quench her thirst for love and withstand the test of time. She finds it in the beautiful Sarah Roberts, a brilliant young scientist who may hold the secret to immortality. But one thing stands between the intoxicating Miriam Blaylock and the object of her desire:...
Eternal youth is a wonderful thing for the few who have it, but for Miriam Blaylock, it is a curse -- an existence marred by death and sorrow. Because...
The long-awaited sequel to The Hunger is now in paperback. Vampire hunter Paul Ward closes in on the long-standing object of his pursuit: Miriam Blaylock, the eternal predator whose beauty is surpassed only by her thirst for blood. Yet Miriam has her own plans for Paul--a diabolical plot using him as the means for birthing a new race of vampires.
The long-awaited sequel to The Hunger is now in paperback. Vampire hunter Paul Ward closes in on the long-standing object of his pursuit: Miriam Blayl...
A young man drawn to her by a power beyond his understanding.
A father searching for his lost son.
New York Times bestselling author Whitley Strieber continues the legacy he began with The Hunger and The Last Vampire in an extraordinary new novel of everlasting life, undying love, and Lilith -- first wife to Adam in the Garden of Eden, and matriarch of the vampire race....
An ancient vampire, beautiful beyond words.
A young man drawn to her by a power beyond his understanding.