This tale tells of the energetic work of a little gnome named Tenderroot who lives deep inside the earth. This is an imaginative adventure tale that is perfect for young children. This is a wonderful bedtime story for everyone
This tale tells of the energetic work of a little gnome named Tenderroot who lives deep inside the earth. This is an imaginative adventure tale that i...
This is a stunning retelling of an ancient story of a remarkable woman. Early Christianity has many tales of unusual people who were moved to change by their contact with Christ; none, however, are as moving as this story A baby girl born blind, left to die by her impatient father, raised by sisters in a nearby convent, grows to be thirteen and when baptized, regains her sight. She goes to confront her father and a powerful battle of strong wills ensues. This is a wonderful tale for the young filled with touching moments and evidence of the transformative power of love.
This is a stunning retelling of an ancient story of a remarkable woman. Early Christianity has many tales of unusual people who were moved to change b...
Jakob Streit retells the stories of the Bible with colorful and compelling pictures that deepen the understanding of the stories' meaning. With his decades of Waldorf teaching with its storytelling curriculum, this master story teller brings the Old Testament to life. Geared to please nine and ten year olds, these books make wonderful class readers for fourth graders. A perfect balance is struck in these stories between reverent care in the accuracy of the tales and the vivid embellishments that make the stories real.
Jakob Streit retells the stories of the Bible with colorful and compelling pictures that deepen the understanding of the stories' meaning. With his de...