Zero In on Him What would it mean to fix your attention fully on the Person of Christ? To approach Him apart from systems, formulas, religion, and well-meaning Christian culture? How would you be changed? Former Moody Bible College President Joseph Stowell shows through dramatic stories and surprising insights how you can experience significant life-change as you encounter Christ as never before. And as your relationship with Him flourishes, so will your love for the people around you the manifestation of His heart in yours. A book intended for both spiritual seekers and believers...
Zero In on Him What would it mean to fix your attention fully on the Person of Christ? To approach Him apart from systems, formulas, relig...
Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God's kingdom in this world? You can -- and you don't have to be a great leader for it to happen. Just a good follower. In Following Christ, Joseph Stowell shows why Christ's command to "Follow me" isn't merely the starting point of Christianity. It's the very heartbeat of vibrant, effective faith. And it's not just for a few gifted leaders, but for all believers. Stowell shows you what happens when an ordinary man or woman pursues not the trappings of Christianity, but Christ himself. You'll discover - What a...
Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God's kingdom in this world? You can -- and you don't have to be a...
Description: Some researchers estimate that evangelical Christians give an average of 2 percent of their income to further the kingdom of God. Such a practice reveals a theology of material possessions that is clearly out of line with God's Word. Gene Getz in an extensive search reveals intriguing, detailed information on the subject of material possessions based on Scripture. The synthesis of this and selected extrabiblical literature resulted in the formation of more than 120 biblical principles that can be applied by any person in any culture. Dr. Getz not only shares these principles but...
Description: Some researchers estimate that evangelical Christians give an average of 2 percent of their income to further the kingdom of God. Such a ...