Tourism throughout the world raises environmental issues that are often concerned with conflicting rights and responsibilities: the inherent right of mankind to travel, the no-less inherent right of indigenous people to guard their environmental heritage, and the responsibility of governments - local, national or (in the unique case of Antarctica) international - to protect environments over which they exercise stewardship. Additionally, the presence of international commercial enterprises, especially marine and other mass transport modes, represent unique governance challenges.This book...
Tourism throughout the world raises environmental issues that are often concerned with conflicting rights and responsibilities: the inherent right ...
Polar Ecology is one ecologist's attempt to sum up plant, animal and environmental relationships in the polar regions. Ecology grabs ecologists in different ways. I was grabbed in Antarctica by Adelie penguins, incubating contentedly at - 20C with unmelting snow on their backs, and by minute black insects basking at lOoC in tufts of moss, while winds at - 15C swept past unheeded. Some time later I saw snow buntings sheltering under Canadian eaves at - 30C, and wondered (as I still wonder) how so tiny an organism maintains body temperature against so sharp a gradient. The subtitle of this...
Polar Ecology is one ecologist's attempt to sum up plant, animal and environmental relationships in the polar regions. Ecology grabs ecologists in dif...