How do colonial histories matter to the urgencies and conditions of our current world? How have those histories so often been rendered as leftovers, as -legacies- of a dead past rather than as active and violating forces in the world today? With precision and clarity, Ann Laura Stoler argues that recognizing -colonial presence- may have as much to do with how the connections between colonial histories and the present are expected to look as it does with how they are expected to be. In Duress, Stoler considers what methodological renovations might serve to write histories that yield...
How do colonial histories matter to the urgencies and conditions of our current world? How have those histories so often been rendered as leftovers, a...
How do colonial histories matter to the urgencies and conditions of our current world? How have those histories so often been rendered as leftovers, as "legacies" of a dead past rather than as active and violating forces in the world today? With precision and clarity, Ann Laura Stoler argues that recognizing "colonial presence" may have as much to do with how the connections between colonial histories and the present are expected to look as it does with how they are expected to be. In Duress, Stoler considers what methodological renovations might serve to write histories that yield...
How do colonial histories matter to the urgencies and conditions of our current world? How have those histories so often been rendered as leftovers, a...
Michel Foucault s "History of Sexuality" has been one of the most influential books of the last two decades. It has had an enormous impact on cultural studies and work across many disciplines on gender, sexuality, and the body. Bringing a new set of questions to this key work, Ann Laura Stoler examines volume one of "History of Sexuality" in an unexplored light. She asks why there has been such a muted engagement with this work among students of colonialism for whom issues of sexuality and power are so essential. Why is the colonial context absent from Foucault s history of a European sexual...
Michel Foucault s "History of Sexuality" has been one of the most influential books of the last two decades. It has had an enormous impact on cultural...
A milestone in U.S. historiography, "Haunted by Empire" brings postcolonial critiques to bear on North American history and draws on that history to question the analytic conventions of postcolonial studies. The contributors to this innovative collection examine the critical role of domains of the intimate in the consolidation of colonial power. They demonstrate how the categories of difference underlying colonialism the distinctions advanced as the justification for the colonizer s rule of the colonized were enacted and reinforced in intimate realms from the bedroom to the classroom to the...
A milestone in U.S. historiography, "Haunted by Empire" brings postcolonial critiques to bear on North American history and draws on that history to q...
A milestone in U.S. historiography, "Haunted by Empire" brings postcolonial critiques to bear on North American history and draws on that history to question the analytic conventions of postcolonial studies. The contributors to this innovative collection examine the critical role of domains of the intimate in the consolidation of colonial power. They demonstrate how the categories of difference underlying colonialism the distinctions advanced as the justification for the colonizer s rule of the colonized were enacted and reinforced in intimate realms from the bedroom to the classroom to the...
A milestone in U.S. historiography, "Haunted by Empire" brings postcolonial critiques to bear on North American history and draws on that history to q...
Over the last century, North Sumatra has been the site of one of the most intensive and successful pursuits of foreign agricultural enterprise of any developing country. Colonial expansion by Europeans resulted in overt--sometimes violent-- conflict between capital and labor, as workers resisted plantation interests. Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra's Plantation Belt, 1870-1979 is a fascinating ethnographic history that analyzes how popular resistance actively molded both the form of colonialism and the social, economic, and political experience of the Javanese laboring...
Over the last century, North Sumatra has been the site of one of the most intensive and successful pursuits of foreign agricultural enterprise of any ...
Imperial Debris redirects critical focus from ruins as evidence of the past to "ruination" as the processes through which imperial power occupies the present. Ann Laura Stoler's introduction is a manifesto, a compelling call for postcolonial studies to expand its analytical scope to address the toxic but less perceptible corrosions and violent accruals of colonial aftermaths, as well as their durable traces on the material environment and people's bodies and minds. In their provocative, tightly focused responses to Stoler, the contributors explore subjects as seemingly diverse as...
Imperial Debris redirects critical focus from ruins as evidence of the past to "ruination" as the processes through which imperial power occupi...
Deciding what is and what is not political is a fraught, perhaps intractably opaque matter. Just who decides the question; on what grounds; to what ends--these seem like properly political questions themselves. Deciding what is political and what is not can serve to contain and restrain struggles, make existing power relations at once self-evident and opaque, and blur the possibility of reimagining them differently. Political Concepts seeks to revive our common political vocabulary--both everyday and academic--and to do so critically. Its entries take the form of essays in which each...
Deciding what is and what is not political is a fraught, perhaps intractably opaque matter. Just who decides the question; on what grounds; to what en...
Deciding what is and what is not political is a fraught, perhaps intractably opaque matter. Just who decides the question; on what grounds; to what ends--these seem like properly political questions themselves. Deciding what is political and what is not can serve to contain and restrain struggles, make existing power relations at once self-evident and opaque, and blur the possibility of reimagining them differently. Political Concepts seeks to revive our common political vocabulary--both everyday and academic--and to do so critically. Its entries take the form of essays in which each...
Deciding what is and what is not political is a fraught, perhaps intractably opaque matter. Just who decides the question; on what grounds; to what en...