"Gender systems pervade and regulate human lives-in law courts and operating rooms, ballparks and poker clubs, hair-dressing salons and kitchens, classrooms and playgroups. . . . Exactly how gender works varies from culture to culture, and from historical period to historical period, but gender is very rarely not at work. Nor does gender operate in isolation. It is linked to other social structures and sources of identity." So write women's studies pioneer Catharine R. Stimpson and anthropologist Gilbert Herdt in their introduction to Critical Terms for the Study of Gender,...
"Gender systems pervade and regulate human lives-in law courts and operating rooms, ballparks and poker clubs, hair-dressing salons and kitchens, clas...
This collection of essays in literary criticism, feminist theory and race relations was named one of the top 25 books of 1988 by the Voice Literary Supplement. The title covers such subjects as black literature; the reconstruction of culture, changing arts, letters and sciences to include the topics of women and gender; and, the nature of family and the changing roles of women within society.
This collection of essays in literary criticism, feminist theory and race relations was named one of the top 25 books of 1988 by the Voice Literary Su...