Jon Stewart's groundbreaking study is a major re-evaluation of the complex relationship between the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Hegel. Although the standard view on the subject is that Kierkegaard defined himself as explicitly anti-Hegelian (and viewed Hegel's philosophy with disdain), Jon Stewart demonstrates that Kierkegaard's criticism was not directed specifically to Hegel, but actually to some contemporary Danish Hegelians.
Jon Stewart's groundbreaking study is a major re-evaluation of the complex relationship between the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Hegel. Although th...
The Phenomenology of Spirit was Hegel's first major philosophical work and is considered by many to be his masterpiece. Its several hundred pages treat topics as diverse as Greek drama, religion, medieval court culture, natural science, Romanticism, and the Enlightenment. Hegel regarded it as the introduction to his philosophical system as a whole, and it is often thought to be the most accessible work in his otherwise difficult philosophical corpus. This anthology represents the most complete collection of essays on the Phenomenology in any language. It follows Hegel's table of contents,...
The Phenomenology of Spirit was Hegel's first major philosophical work and is considered by many to be his masterpiece. Its several hundred pages trea...
"The Debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty" provides a balanced portrait of the intellectual relationship between these two men. Essays by leading scholars as well as selections from the primary texts of Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, and Simone de Beauvoir address the numerous points of contact and cover the major themes of the debate from the different periods in their shared history. A biographical overview introduces the work and provides a context for the theoretical issues taken up in the articles, and an extensive bibliography suggests further readings to supplement the selections included...
"The Debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty" provides a balanced portrait of the intellectual relationship between these two men. Essays by leading s...
Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen.
KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by...
Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the f...
Kierkegaard's relation to the field of philosophy is a particularly complex and disputed one. He rejected the model of philosophical inquiry that was mainstream in his day and was careful to have his pseudonymous authors repeatedly disassociate themselves from philosophy. But although it seems clear that Kierkegaard never regarded himself as a philosopher, there can be no doubt that his writings contain philosophical ideas and insights and have been profoundly influential in a number of different philosophical traditions.The present volume attempts to document these different traditions of...
Kierkegaard's relation to the field of philosophy is a particularly complex and disputed one. He rejected the model of philosophical inquiry that was ...
Die BeitrAge dieses Sammelbands behandeln die spannungsreichen BezUge zwischen Kierkegaards Existenzdenken und Schellings Philosophie des Absoluten. Die Autoren werfen nicht nur ein neues Licht auf das VerhAltnis Kierkegaards zur (SpAt-) Philosophie Schellings und zum Idealismus Uberhaupt. Vielmehr erOffnen sie systematische Perspektiven, die - fUr die Philosophie, die Theologie und die Geisteswissenschaften insgesamt - gerade auch fUr gegenwArtige Problemstellungen von groer Bedeutung sind.
Die BeitrAge dieses Sammelbands behandeln die spannungsreichen BezUge zwischen Kierkegaards Existenzdenken und Schellings Philosophie des Absoluten. D...