Here are the inspirational life and teachings of Awa Kenzo (1880 1939), the Zen and kyudo (archery) master who gained worldwide renown after the publication of Eugen Herrigel's cult classic "Zen in the Art of Archery" in 1953. Kenzo lived and taught at a pivotal time in Japan's history, when martial arts were practiced primarily for self-cultivation, and his wise and penetrating instructions for practice (and life) including aphorisms, poetry, instructional lists, and calligraphy are infused with the spirit of Zen. Kenzo uses the metaphor of the bow and arrow to challenge the practitioner to...
Here are the inspirational life and teachings of Awa Kenzo (1880 1939), the Zen and kyudo (archery) master who gained worldwide renown after the publi...
This is an abridged, paperback edition of Peter le Huray and James Day's invaluable anthology of writings concerned with the role of music in eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century aesthetics.
This is an abridged, paperback edition of Peter le Huray and James Day's invaluable anthology of writings concerned with the role of music in eighteen...
This book examines the relation of words and music in England and France during the three centuries following the Norman Conquest. The basic material of the study includes the chansons of the troubadours and trouveres and the varied Latin songs of the period. In addition to these 'lyric' forms, the author discusses the relations of music and poetry in dance-song, in narrative and in the ecclesiastical drama. Professor Stevens examines the ready-made, often unconscious, and misleading assumptions we bring to the study and performance of early music. In particular he affirms the importance of...
This book examines the relation of words and music in England and France during the three centuries following the Norman Conquest. The basic material ...
Many wild plant names are derived from early Greek, Latin, or Old English and their antiquity can often cloud their original meaning. As the names of some plants have passed through the ages, their initial significance may have became distorted through mistakes in spelling, grammar, translation or simply through misunderstanding. In the eighteenth century the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus sought to bring order to the confusion of botanical classification by introducing a system of scientific names that would be universally understood. This book traces the origins of both the popular English...
Many wild plant names are derived from early Greek, Latin, or Old English and their antiquity can often cloud their original meaning. As the names of ...
Der Taschentrainer Common Mistakes in English Grammar - Fehlerfrei sprechen und schreiben hilft gezielt, typische Grammatikfehler zu vermeiden. Alle besonders fehleranfälligen Bereiche der englischen Grammatik werden behandelt, u.a. Present Perfect, Verlaufsform des Verbs, Zukunftsformen, if-Sätze, Infinitiv und Gerundium, Modalverben und Präpositionen. Der Band ist geeignet als Begleitmaterial für die Niveaustufen A2 bis B1 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens.
Der Taschentrainer Common Mistakes in English Grammar - Fehlerfrei sprechen und schreiben hilft gezielt, typische Grammatikfehler zu vermeiden. Alle b...
First Choice ist ein kommunikatives Englischlehrwerk für die Erwachsenenbildung, das in drei Bänden zur Stufe B1 des Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) führt. Das Lehrwerk präsentiert Sprache im realistischen Kontext und vermittelt diese in Alltag und Beruf relevante Sprache in interessanten und motivierenden Aufgaben.§First Choice berücksichtigt die neuesten methodischen Entwicklungen und setzt die Maßgaben des CEF konsequent um:§Handlungsorientierter Ansatz:§Kernelement jeder Unit sind tasks, lebensnahe und spannende Aufgaben, die nur durch Kommunikation in Partnerarbeit...
First Choice ist ein kommunikatives Englischlehrwerk für die Erwachsenenbildung, das in drei Bänden zur Stufe B1 des Common European Framework of Re...