... The show's thoughtful, well-written, lavishly illustrated catalog should become the instant classic on Cleveland art. -- The Cleveland Plain Dealer
... The show's thoughtful, well-written, lavishly illustrated catalog should become the instant classic on Cleveland art. -- The Cleveland Plain Deale...
"Transformations in Cleveland Art" explores the intersection between art and events during a period of extraordinary, sometimes disorienting change that transformed Cleveland from a canal village into a major industrial city. The authors reconstruct Cleveland s artistic life from its origins to the mid-twentieth century, when regional schools declined relative to the ascent of national and international art movements. Rather than a vague reflection of national trends, Cleveland art is studied within the context of the specific milieu in which it was created. The authors also examine how...
"Transformations in Cleveland Art" explores the intersection between art and events during a period of extraordinary, sometimes disorienting change th...