In the years during and after World War I the Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey led what has been called the largest international mass movement of black people in the twentieth century. He and his organization, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), built a steamship line, sponsored expeditions to Liberia, staged annual international conventions, inspired many black business enterprises, endorsed black political candidates, and fostered the study of black history and culture.
Judith Stein has not written a conventional biography, though Garvey is the central character. The book...
In the years during and after World War I the Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey led what has been called the largest international mass movement of blac...
The history of modern liberalism has been hotly debated in contemporary politics and the academy. Here, Judith Stein uses the steel industry--long considered fundamental to the U.S. economy--to examine liberal policies and priorities after World War II. In a provocative revision of postwar American history, she argues that it was the primacy of foreign commitments and the outdated economic policies of the state, more than the nation's racial conflicts, that transformed American liberalism from the powerful progressivism of the New Deal to the feeble policies...
The history of modern liberalism has been hotly debated in contemporary politics and the academy. Here, Judith Stein uses the steel industry--...
Die Beitrage des Bandes beleuchten die vielschichtigen Verflechtungen des Mythos Stadt mit (kultur)hegemonialen, ideologischen, stadteplanerischen, okonomischen oder subjektiven Interessen. Sie decken die Konstruktionsebenen ausgewahlter literarischer, philosophischer, stadteplanerischer und subkultureller Phanomene auf und zeigen, wie der Mythos Stadt und seine Aneignungsformen nicht nur die Gestaltung von Stadt, sondern auch die Art und Weise pragen, wie Stadt erlebt und Identitat konstruiert wird."
Die Beitrage des Bandes beleuchten die vielschichtigen Verflechtungen des Mythos Stadt mit (kultur)hegemonialen, ideologischen, stadteplanerischen, ok...