For more than a generation, Gertrude Stein's Paris home at 27 rue de Fleurus was the center of a glittering coterie of artists and writers, one of whom was Pablo Picasso. In this intimate and revealing memoir, Stein tells us much about the great man (and herself) and offers many insights into the life and art of the 20th century's greatest painter. Mixing biological fact with artistic and aesthetic comments, she limns a unique portrait of Picasso as a founder of Cubism, an intimate of Appollinaire, Max Jacob, Braque, Derain, and others, and a genius driven by a ceaseless quest to convey...
For more than a generation, Gertrude Stein's Paris home at 27 rue de Fleurus was the center of a glittering coterie of artists and writers, one of ...
Mentor and guide to the Lost Generation of expatriate American writers, including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) is perhaps better known for her Parisian salon than her literary works. Yet her innovative approach to writing and her originality of thought make the impact of her books on contemporary literature enormous. Tender Buttons, published in 1914, is vintage Stein. She pushes abstraction to its farthest limits by experimenting with words purely as words in a style more akin to painting than literature. Interested in their melody and color, Stein favors...
Mentor and guide to the Lost Generation of expatriate American writers, including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) is perhaps bett...
Largely to amuse herself, Gertrude Stein wrote this book in 1932..using as a sounding board her companion Miss Toklas, who had been with her for twenty-five years. The book is full of the most lucid and shapely anecdotes, told in a purer and more closely fitting prose...than even Gide or Hemingway have ever commanded.
Largely to amuse herself, Gertrude Stein wrote this book in 1932..using as a sounding board her companion Miss Toklas, who had been with her for twent...
"This collection, a retrospective exhibit of the work of a woman who created a unique place for herself in the world of letters, contains a sample of practically every period and every manner in Gertrude Stein's career. It includes The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas in its entirety; selected passages from The Making of Americans; "Melanctha"from Three Lives; portraits of the painters Cezanne, Matisse, and Picasso; Tender Buttons; the opera Four Saints in Three Acts; and poem, plays, lectures, articles, sketches, and a generous portion of her famous book on the Occupation of France, Wars I...
"This collection, a retrospective exhibit of the work of a woman who created a unique place for herself in the world of letters, contains a sample of ...
In the more than 75 plays Gertrude Stein wrote between 1913 and 1946, she envisioned a new dramaturgy, beginning with the pictorial conception of a play as a landscape. She drew into her plays the daily flow of life around her - including the natural world - and turned cities, villages, parts of the dramatic structure, and even her own friends into characters. She made punctuation and typography part of her compositional style and chose words for their joyful impact as sound and wordplay. For Stein, the writing process itself was always important in developing the continuous present at the...
In the more than 75 plays Gertrude Stein wrote between 1913 and 1946, she envisioned a new dramaturgy, beginning with the pictorial conception of a pl...
This important collection presents Gertrude Stein for the first time in her brilliant modernity. Ulla E. Dydo's textual scholarship demonstrates Stein's constant questioning of convention, and A Stein Reader changes the balance of work in print, concentrating on Stein's experimental work and including many key works that are virtually unknown or unavailable. A Stein Reader includes unpublished work, such as the portrait "Article"; shows the astonishing stylistic change in the neglected "A Long Gay Book"; draws attention to the many unknown plays such as "Reread Another;" and...
This important collection presents Gertrude Stein for the first time in her brilliant modernity. Ulla E. Dydo's textual scholarship demonstrates Stein...
The change of color is likely and a difference a very little difference is prepared. Sugar is not a vegetable. -- Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein wrote many odd and peculiar texts, and this work -- Tender Buttons -- is among the best known of them. Stein's wonderful and peculiar approach to the language seems to focus on sounds and rhythms rather than the sense of words. Abandoning the sense of things, it's said, she attempted to capture "moments of consciousness," independent of time and memory. That may and may not be the case, but over the years, this and many similar works have been...
The change of color is likely and a difference a very little difference is prepared. Sugar is not a vegetable. -- Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein wro...
"A Long Gay Book" (the novella that opens this volume -- a novella so substantial that it could well fill a volume by itself) is written in the stream-of-consciousness style that Stein helped to make famous.
"A Long Gay Book" (the novella that opens this volume -- a novella so substantial that it could well fill a volume by itself) is written in the str...