The top 1 percent of households in America account for nearly 40 percent of the wealth. This same affluent market is growing seven times faster than the household population in this country Thomas J. Stanley - author of Selling to the Affluent and Marketing to the Affluent - shows that, dollar for dollar, the most productive way to penetrate the affluent market is to network with its members, their advisors, and key members of their important affinity groups. Affluent individuals report that interpersonal, or word of mouth, endorsements are the most influential in their decisions to patronize...
The top 1 percent of households in America account for nearly 40 percent of the wealth. This same affluent market is growing seven times faster than t...
The bestselling author of The Millionaire Next Door reveals easy ways to build real wealth
With well over two million of his books sold, and huge praise from many media outlets, Dr. Thomas J. Stanley is a recognized and highly respected authority on how the wealthy act and think. Now, in Stop Acting Rich ? and Start Living Like a Millionaire, he details how the less affluent have fallen into the elite luxury brand trap that keeps them from acquiring wealth and details how to get out of it by emulating the working rich as opposed to the super elite.
Puts wealth in...
The bestselling author of The Millionaire Next Door reveals easy ways to build real wealth