How unfair', wrote one national newspaper in 1951, 'that accomplishments enough to satisfy the pride of six men should be united in Mr Day-Lewis.' Poet, translator of classical texts, novelist, detective writer (under the pen-name Nicholas Blake), performer and, at that time, Professor of Poetry at Oxford, C Day-Lewis had many careers all at once. This first authorised biography tells the private story behind the many headlines that this handsome, charming Anglo-Irish Poet Laureate generated in his lifetime.
With unparalleled access to Day-Lewis's archives and the recollections of...
How unfair', wrote one national newspaper in 1951, 'that accomplishments enough to satisfy the pride of six men should be united in Mr Day-Lewis.' ...
A stimulating inquiry into one of the great religious mysteries - and what theologians, artists, writers, psychologists, priests, historians and people from all religions and walks of life have thought of heaven, where many of us still hope to go one day.
The author writes: 'While images of hell are firmly fixed in the human psyche, no parallel standard vision exists for heaven either within the Christian Church or more widely in the world's various religious has somehow been judged indecent or presumptuous to contemplate the better end of the post-mortem destination...
A stimulating inquiry into one of the great religious mysteries - and what theologians, artists, writers, psychologists, priests, historians and pe...
Talk of the Devil has become distinctly unfashionable. Our sceptical age has pensioned off Satan, for centuries the face and name put to the abstract reality of evil. His scaly black skin, horns, cloven hoof and red eyes have become embedded in popular psyche. This title traces the development of the character and role of Satan through the ages.
Talk of the Devil has become distinctly unfashionable. Our sceptical age has pensioned off Satan, for centuries the face and name put to the abstract ...
Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Religionen der Welt und in die Sphare von Glauben und Spiritualitat
Das gottformige Vakuum - Heilige Texte - Gut und Bose - Leben und Tod - Die Goldene Regel - Riten und Rituale - Das Leben Jesu - Gott und Mammon - Reformation - Das Papsttum - Schuld und Frauenfeindlichkeit - Der Heilige Geist - Heilige und Sunder - Orthodoxie - Luther und seine Nachfolger - Die Anglikanische Kirche - Die Methodisten - Die Baptisten - Reformierte Kirchen - Sekten und Kultgemeinschaften - Entruckung - Das Judischsein - Judische Durchgangsriten - Die Kabbala -...
Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Religionen der Welt und in die Sphare von Glauben und Spiritualitat