Unlike usual stop-smoking manuals, this collection of interviews with more than 30 former smokers has something for everyone. The stories can be a source of inspiration, hope, and helpful hints for smokers who have, like the storytellers, made repeated failed attempts to quit.--Jane Brody, New York Times.
Unlike usual stop-smoking manuals, this collection of interviews with more than 30 former smokers has something for everyone. The stories can be a sou...
Quickly retrieve and understand current data with the book's concise, easy-to-read tables and definitions. Covering all aspects of dietary f iber, including chemistry and definitions, analytical procedures, and basic physiological functions, the CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Hu man Nutrition provides you with a unique collection of dietary fiber i nformation unlike that found in any other book.
Quickly retrieve and understand current data with the book's concise, easy-to-read tables and definitions. Covering all aspects of dietary f iber, inc...
It is difficult to find the moment when the idea for a book is first born. For this book, the basic concept was probably born during conversations I had in Parma, Italy, with Dr. Riccardi of the University of Naples and Dr. Jenkins of the University of Toronto (Canada). Later, in a conference room at the University of Verona (Italy) School of Medicine, I had a day-long meeting with Drs. Bosello and Cominacini of the University of Verona, and Drs. Jenkins and Riccardi and their co-workers. After an intense working day, the general plan of this book was completed. The title Mediterranean diets...
It is difficult to find the moment when the idea for a book is first born. For this book, the basic concept was probably born during conversations I h...
Dietary therapy has always been important to medical practice even if it has more often been sacramental than physiological in effect. "You are what you eat" meant a lot to primitive tribes whose new leader had to eat part of his predecessor, and giving diets brought out the priest in the physician even if he or she had heard that "nothing that enters into a man defiles a man. " What people eat began to take on new meaning, however, a generation ago when Schoenheimer and others made clear that body fat and muscle protein were not the sluggish unchanging masses they had appeared but instead...
Dietary therapy has always been important to medical practice even if it has more often been sacramental than physiological in effect. "You are what y...