Over thirty years ago, a small band of people began an intentional community called Findhorn. They lived by applying principles of attracting to oneself, through love, whatever materials, energy, or help were needed to promote wholeness or further growth. David Spangler, who was one of those early residents of Findhorn, began writing down how those laws worked. In 1975, his writings were first published as The Laws of Manifestation. This long-unavailable book is now available again with a new introduction by the author. Spangler shows how we can all transform our lives by working with these...
Over thirty years ago, a small band of people began an intentional community called Findhorn. They lived by applying principles of attracting to onese...
The subject of this book is inner spiritual service as defined by David Spangler and his approach of Incarnational Spirituality. It is part of the Lorian Textbook series and is the transcript of an online class called "World Work." It has minimal editing to preserve the flavor of the original class. The content has been shaped in part by the unique nature of the orginal class.
The subject of this book is inner spiritual service as defined by David Spangler and his approach of Incarnational Spirituality. It is part of the Lor...
This is a new edition of David Spangler's classic book on manifestation. It has been out of print for some time but the comments of Willis W. Harman, Former President, Institute of Noetic Sciences are still relevant: "A number of recent writers have set out to unveil our amazing power to manifest what we want; none have made it so clear that true effectiveness comes from choosing to align 'what we want' with the 'transpersonal will, ' as Spangler terms it. His book is lively and easy to read; his clarity, simplicity, and deep wisdom are inspiring."
This is a new edition of David Spangler's classic book on manifestation. It has been out of print for some time but the comments of Willis W. Harman, ...
On the most basic human level, we all want to be blessed. We want life to bring us good things, to shield us from harm, from fear, from loneliness. A blessing can be anything-a kind word, a prayer or ritual, a gesture, an embrace, a gift. Blessing is the culmination of David Spangler's remarkable career as a spiritual thinker and teacher: the definitive book on how to channel our natural sense of compassion. With specific exercises and examples to guide and inspire us, this book helps us answer the ancient human calling within us all.
On the most basic human level, we all want to be blessed. We want life to bring us good things, to shield us from harm, from fear, from loneliness. A ...
Writer, mystic, and father of four, David Spangler understands that the birth of a child is a spiritually significant event--a mystical experience. There is a feeling of magic in the parent/child relationship that relies on intuition, total presence, and impulses that come from the soul. The acclaimed author of The Call shares his stories from the trenches, blessings from the day-in and day-out of child-rearing, and encourages us, with grace, wit and common sense, toward the kind of parenting that brings to the world creative, honest, enlightened, and independent kids.
Writer, mystic, and father of four, David Spangler understands that the birth of a child is a spiritually significant event--a mystical experie...
This collection of twelve special essays grows from a series written monthly by David Spangler and distributed through a monthly email newsletter called "David's Desk" by the Lorian Association. Each essay deals with common themes of spirituality as it applies to everyday life. Written in straightforward language this book is suitable for anyone. It is especially readable for those who might be looking for a fresh approach to the inner life and outer service.
This collection of twelve special essays grows from a series written monthly by David Spangler and distributed through a monthly email newsletter call...
This amazing book chronicles sixty plus years of a modern mystic's experience of the subtle worlds of spirit. Taking the attitude of a field biologist David Spangler shares his rich experience and wisdom gleaned from encountering Angels, post-mortem realms, Spiritual Forces, Inner Mentors, Elementals, and other inhabitants of our natural "second ecology." He makes the case that for humanity to be healthy and whole and able to meet the global challenges before us, we need to appreciate and engage these rich and fascinating "energy" environments and the potential allies who live within them....
This amazing book chronicles sixty plus years of a modern mystic's experience of the subtle worlds of spirit. Taking the attitude of a field biologist...
This is David Spangler's newest introduction to Incarnational Spirituality a term he uses to describe his approach to spirituality. Since 1965, David Spangler has worked clairvoyantly and intuitively with a group of non-physical beings from the inner worlds of spirit. They identified themselves as being part of an inner school whose purpose was to explore and develop a spiritual teaching around the process of incarnation. This teaching is intended to empower incarnate persons living in the physical world-individuals such as you and me-to lead lives of greater blessing and capacity and to be...
This is David Spangler's newest introduction to Incarnational Spirituality a term he uses to describe his approach to spirituality. Since 1965, David ...
This book is a magical journey into the realms of the Sidhe, the graceful "People of Peace" who are the overlords of the Faery Kingdoms. With beautiful full-colored illustrations by Jeremy Berg and text by David Spangler, author of Apprenticed to Spirit and Subtle Worlds, this is a journey not only into a mystical realm but also into the potentials of the human spirit and the possibilities of a new consciousness within humanity. "This joyous and powerful story sits well amongst other tales of faery and brings its own enchantment. I really found myself carried off as I read, and emerged at the...
This book is a magical journey into the realms of the Sidhe, the graceful "People of Peace" who are the overlords of the Faery Kingdoms. With beautifu...