"Written with the pace of a thriller" Times Literary Supplement. Red Dust is set in a rural South African town, where three people are about to meet their past. Sarah Barcant has left her law career in New York to assist an old friend as prosecutor on a Truth Commission hearing. Dirk Hendricks, a former police deputy, is being taken in handcuffs to the station where he once worked. There he will confront Alex Mpondo, the man he had tortured, who is now an MP."
"Written with the pace of a thriller" Times Literary Supplement. Red Dust is set in a rural South African town, where three people are about to meet t...
A passionate witness to the colossal upheaval that has transformed her native South Africa, Gillian Slovo has written a memoir that is far more than a story of her own life. For she is the daughter of Joe Slovo and Ruth First, South Africa's pioneering anti-apartheid white activists, a daughter who always had to come second to political commitment. Whilst recalling the extraordinary events which surrounded her family's persecution and exile, and reconstructing the truth of her parents' relationship and her own turbulent childhood, Gillian Slovo has also created an astonishing portrait of a...
A passionate witness to the colossal upheaval that has transformed her native South Africa, Gillian Slovo has written a memoir that is far more than a...
Die Juristin Sarah Barcant kehrt nach 14 Jahren in das sdafrikanische Smitsrivier zurck, um ihrem Mentor Ben Hoffman in einer Anhrung vor der Truth and Reconciliaton Commission zu assistieren. Dirk Hendricks, frher Polizist und gestndiger Folterer, mchte fr sich eine Amnestie erwirken. Ben Hoffman geht es in diesem Prozess vor allem darum, den Mrder von Alex Freund und Mitstreiter Steve Sizela zu berfhren und die Leiche Sizelas zu finden. Mit Zusatzmaterialien.
Die Juristin Sarah Barcant kehrt nach 14 Jahren in das sdafrikanische Smitsrivier zurck, um ihrem Mentor Ben Hoffman in einer Anhrung vor der Truth an...