This volume in the Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes contains A dialogue between a philosopher and a student, of the common laws of England, edited by Alan Cromartie, supplemented by the important fragment on the issue of regal succession, "Questions relative to Hereditary Right," discovered and edited by Quentin Skinner. The former work is the last of Hobbes's major political writings. As a critique of common law by a great philosopher, it should be essential reading for anybody interested in English political thought or legal theory. Although it was written when Hobbes was...
This volume in the Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes contains A dialogue between a philosopher and a student, of the common laws of Engl...
The first of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important philosophical and methodological statements written over the past four decades, each carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of seminal essays Professor Skinner sets forth the intellectual principles that inform his work. Writing as a practising historian, he considers the theoretical difficulties inherent in the pursuit of knowledge and interpretation, and elucidates the methodology which finds its expression in...
The first of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most...
These volumes offer the first comprehensive study of republicanism as a shared European heritage. Professors Skinner and van Gelderen have assembled an internationally distinguished set of contributors whose studies highlight the richness and diversity of European republican traditions. Volume I looks at anti-monarchism in Europe, humanist theories of citizenship and the constitutional nature of the republic. Volume II is devoted to the study of key republican values --liberty, virtue, politeness and toleration. It also addresses the role of women and relationship between republicanism and...
These volumes offer the first comprehensive study of republicanism as a shared European heritage. Professors Skinner and van Gelderen have assembled a...
The third of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important essays on Thomas Hobbes, each of which has been carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of writings spanning the past four decades Professor Skinner examines, with his customary perspicuity, the evolution and character of Hobbes's political thought. An indispensable work in its own right, this volume also serves as a demonstration of those methodological theories propounded in Volume I, and as an appositional...
The third of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most...
This volume represents a major contribution to the history of ideas, in which political thought has always been central, and reflects the disciplinary tensions--and national differences--of what remains a "borderline" subject, located at the intersection of history, politics and philosophy. The distinguished team of international contributors explores the relationship between the history of political thought as a discipline, and the politics, history and culture of the various nations discussed, which include the UK, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Central and Eastern Europe.
This volume represents a major contribution to the history of ideas, in which political thought has always been central, and reflects the disciplinary...
Quentin Skinner ist einer der weltweit bedeutsten Historiker der politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte, der es wie kaum ein anderer versteht, systematische Einsicht mit historischer Genauigkeit zu verbinden. Davon zeugen auch seine Frankfurter Adorno-Vorlesungen aus dem Jahr 2005, die nun als Buch vorliegen. Gedanklich geschlossen und rhetorisch brillant, erlutert Skinner darin Hobbes`Lehre von der Freiheit nicht nur als Angelpunkt einer philosophischen Theorie von klassischem Rang, sondern auch und vor allem als polemische Intervention in die politischen Debatten seiner Zeit. Mit leichter...
Quentin Skinner ist einer der weltweit bedeutsten Historiker der politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte, der es wie kaum ein anderer versteht, system...
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) lehrte, dass Politiker bereit sein mssen, unmoralisch zu handeln. Sein Name ist Inbegriff von Skrupellosigkeit, List und Heuchelei. Was steckt hinter diesem schlechten Ruf? Welche Ansichten hat Machiavelli wirklich vertreten? Diese Fragen beantwortet Quentin Skinner, indem er die Hauptwerke Der Frst, Discorsi und Geschichte von Florenz im Kontext der Frhen Neuzeit liest. Machiavelli war ein Exponent der humanistischen Tradion des klassischen Republikanismus. Die originellsten Aspekte seiner politischen Anschauungen lassen sich indes als eine Reihe polemischer...
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) lehrte, dass Politiker bereit sein mssen, unmoralisch zu handeln. Sein Name ist Inbegriff von Skrupellosigkeit, List u...
Quentin Skinner ist einer der profiliertesten Historiker der Gegenwart und fhrender Kopf derCambridge School of Intellectual History. Seine Neubegrndung der Ideengeschichte auf der Grundlage der Sprachphilosophie Wittgensteins und der Sprechakttheorie Austins sowie seine daran geschulte Auseinandersetzung mit Klassikern des politischen Denkens sind international breit rezipiert worden und bilden eine hchst originelle Alternative zu der hierzulande vorherrschenden theorie- und begriffsgeschichtlich ausgerichteten Historiographie und politischen Philosophie. Der Band macht reprsentative Beitrge...
Quentin Skinner ist einer der profiliertesten Historiker der Gegenwart und fhrender Kopf derCambridge School of Intellectual History. Seine Neubegrndu...
N. T. Phillipson Nicholas Phillipson Quentin Skinner
This collection of essays, all by preeminent exponents of the history of political thought, explores the political ideologies of early modern Britain. Organized on a broadly chronological basis, the topics addressed by individual scholars reflect in general the themes initiated and inspired by the work of the distinguished intellectual historian, J. G. A. Pocock, for whom the collection is intended as a tribute. Each of the sixteen contributors have thought long and critically about Pocock's seminal contributions to the subject, and in each essay engages with the debates he has provoked....
This collection of essays, all by preeminent exponents of the history of political thought, explores the political ideologies of early modern Britain....