Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)is based on the fact that certain nuclei exhibit a magnetic moment, orient by a magnetic field, and absorb characteristic frequencies in the radiofrequency part of the spectrum. The spectral lines of the nuclei are highly influenced by the chemical environment i.e. the structure and interaction of the molecules. NMR is now the leading technique and a powerful tool for the investigation of the structure and interaction of molecules. The present Landolt-Bornstein vol.III/35 -Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Data- is therefore of major interest to all scientists...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)is based on the fact that certain nuclei exhibit a magnetic moment, orient by a magnetic field, and absorb characteris...
Residual stresses are always introduced in materials when they are produced, or when they undergo non-uniform plastic deformation during use. The circumstances that can cause residual stresses are therefore numerous. Residual stresses exist in all materials and, depending on their distribution, can playa beneficial role (for example, compressive surface stress) or have a catastrophic effect, especially on fatigue behaviour and corrosion properties. The subject of residual stresses took form around 1970 with the development of methods to measure macroscopic deformations during the machining of...
Residual stresses are always introduced in materials when they are produced, or when they undergo non-uniform plastic deformation during use. The circ...