Captain Invincible and his intrepid space-dog, Comet, are on a perilous journey back to Earth Throughout their mission, the fearless captain and his canine sidekick encounter asteroids, poisonous gas, and alien beings. But will their knowledge of three-dimensional shapes, including cubes, cones, and pyramids, help our heroes navigate past these obstacles -- and make it safely home?
Captain Invincible and his intrepid space-dog, Comet, are on a perilous journey back to Earth Throughout their mission, the fearless captain and h...
Learning to recognize common words that don't follow regular spelling rules--and can't be sounded out --is an important step to becoming a strong reader. The engaging activities in this workbook teach 220 of these essential words in a structured format that encourages independent work. Fun games and puzzles keep children's interest level high, unit tests review and reinforce new vocabulary."
Learning to recognize common words that don't follow regular spelling rules--and can't be sounded out --is an important step to becoming a strong read...