The essays in Where's the Evidence examine the dilemmas that have aris en as the result of medicine's unprecedented increase in technical pow ers. How do doctors draw the line between "knowing" (the acquisition o f new medical information) and doing" (the application of that new kno wledge)? What are the long-term consequences of responding to the dema nd that physicians always do everything that can be done? Is medicine' s primary aim to increase the length of life? Or is it to reduce the a mount of pain and suffering? And who is empowered to choose when these ends are mutually exclusive?...
The essays in Where's the Evidence examine the dilemmas that have aris en as the result of medicine's unprecedented increase in technical pow ers. How...
Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression sometimes overcome people who have recently been bereaved, filling them with hopelessness and despair, extinguishing their will to go on living. When Mourning Comes is a unique source of comfort and hope. Written by William B. Silverman a prominent rabbi and Kenneth M. Cinnamon a clinical psychologist When Mourning Comes is not a book about grief, but rather a guide for the grieving. Full of comforting insights and wise suggestions on how to view and cope with the grief of bereavement, this book draws on the author's own experiences and those...
Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression sometimes overcome people who have recently been bereaved, filling them with hopelessness and despai...
Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression sometimes overcome people who have recently been bereaved, filling them with hopelessness and despair, extinguishing their will to go on living. When Mourning Comes is a unique source of comfort and hope. Written by William B. Silverman-a prominent rabbi-and Kenneth M. Cinnamon-a clinical psychologist-When Mourning Comes is not a book about grief, but rather a guide for the grieving. Full of comforting insights and wise suggestions on how to view and cope with the grief of bereavement, this book draws on the author's own experiences and those...
Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression sometimes overcome people who have recently been bereaved, filling them with hopelessness and despai...