Psychologist John Gottman has spent twenty years studying what makes a marriage last. Now you can use his tested methods to evaluate, strengthen, and maintain your own long-term relationship. This breakthrough book guides you through a series of self-tests designed to help you determine what kind of marriage you have, where your strengths and weaknesses are, and what specific actions you can take to help your marriage. You'll also learn that more sex doesn't necessarily improve a marriage, frequent arguing will not lead to divorce, financial problems do not always spell trouble in a...
Psychologist John Gottman has spent twenty years studying what makes a marriage last. Now you can use his tested methods to evaluate, strengthen, and ...
A world-renowned relationship expert shares his research about love and what it takes to develop a trustful, intimate, and emotionally fulfilling bond. In this insightful book, celebrated research psychologist and couples counselor John Gottman plumbs the mysteries of love and shares the results of his famous "Love Lab" Where does love come from? Why does some love last, and why does some fade? And how can we keep it alive? Based on laboratory findings, this book shows readers how to identify signs, behaviors, and attitudes that indicate a fraying relationship and provides strategies for...
A world-renowned relationship expert shares his research about love and what it takes to develop a trustful, intimate, and emotionally fulfilling bond...
With more than a million copies sold worldwide, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages.
John Gottman's unprecedented study of couples over a period of years has allowed him to observe the habits that can make--and break--a marriage. Here is the culmination of that work: the seven principles that guide couples on a path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Straightforward yet profound, these principles teach partners new approaches for resolving conflicts, creating new common...
With more than a million copies sold worldwide, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized the way we understand, r...
Erkenntnisse aus dem legendären Liebes-Labor von John Gottman, dem Pionier der Paarforschung
Die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse des Paartherapeuten John Gottman aus seinem legendären "Love Lab" zeigen: Vertrauen ist das A und O jeder Paarbeziehung, es ist die Grundvoraussetzung dafür, dass Paare dauerhaft zusammenbleiben und eine tiefe Intimität aufbauen.
Erkenntnisse aus dem legendären Liebes-Labor von John Gottman, dem Pionier der Paarforschung
Die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse des Paarthera...