A classic of patient empowerment, Peace, Love & Healing offered the revolutionary message that we have an innate ability to heal ourselves. Now proven by numerous scientific studies, the connection between our minds and our bodies has been increasingly accepted as fact throughout the mainstream medical community. In a new introduction, Dr. Bernie Siegel highligths current research on the relationships among consciousness, psychosocial factors, attitude and immune function.
"Love and peace of mind do protect us," Siegel writes. "They allow us to overcome the problems that...
A classic of patient empowerment, Peace, Love & Healing offered the revolutionary message that we have an innate ability to heal ourselves...
In this compassionate and powerful healing guide, Dr. Bernie Siegel, the author of the triumphant bestsellers Love, Medicine & Miracles and Peace, Love & Healing, provides readers with healthy ways to respond to life's adversities.
In this compassionate and powerful healing guide, Dr. Bernie Siegel, the author of the triumphant bestsellers Love, Medicine & Miracles and <...
As a physician who has cared for and counseled innumerable patients, Bernie S. Siegel embraces a philosophy that is at the forefront of a society grappling with medical ethics and spiritual issues. His books Love, Medicine, and Miracles (1986), Peace, Love and Healing (1989), and How to Live Between Office Visits (1993) have broken new ground in the field of healing. Over a span of twenty years, other physicians have become increasingly receptive to his message. Bernie's efforts have now turned toward humanizing medical care and medical education, and he...
As a physician who has cared for and counseled innumerable patients, Bernie S. Siegel embraces a philosophy that is at the forefront of a society ...
Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved Ponce de Leon from years of fruitless searching. There, generations of Tibetan monks have passed down a series of exercises with mystical, age-reversing properties. Known as the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these once-secret exercises are now available to Westerners in Ancient Secret of the Fountain Of Youth. Peter Kelder's book begins with an account of his own introduction to the rites by way of Colonel Bradford, a mysterious retired British army officer...
Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved Ponce de Leon from years of fruitless s...
For years, Daily Word magazine has provided a lifetime of inspiration and guidance to over 6 million readers. Now for the first time, readers have one comprehensive daily guide filled with 365 uplifting prayers. A beautiful way to celebrate each and every day--to add spiritual renewal and direction to our daily routine--this book is the perfect companion for our journey through life...
A One Spirit Book Club main selection A Book-of-the-Month Club? alternate selection
For years, Daily Word magazine has provided a lifetime of inspiration and guidance to over 6 million readers. Now for the first time, readers h...
The author's 15-year struggle with a then-inoperable brain tumor led to her discovery of the seedthoughts and core beliefs that link one's mind and body. In this book, Levine shows, via simple, nonmedical language and 53 self-help exercises, how one can use an illness as a vehicle for increased self-understanding and healing.
The author's 15-year struggle with a then-inoperable brain tumor led to her discovery of the seedthoughts and core beliefs that link one's mind and bo...
Suitable for patients, visitors, and caregivers, this title includes strategies which help them become participants in the healing process - and are then able to communicate their needs to doctors and staff simply and effectively, thereby creating a healing team where everyone is moving in the same direction.
Suitable for patients, visitors, and caregivers, this title includes strategies which help them become participants in the healing process - and are t...
Containing inspiring stories of patients who have achieved remissions and miraculous cures from illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and cancer, Dr Bernie Siegel shows the reader how emotions such as love, hope, joy and peace of mind have strong physiological effects.
Containing inspiring stories of patients who have achieved remissions and miraculous cures from illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and cancer, Dr Be...
After a heart and lung transplant operation, dancer Claire Sylvia discovered that new organs were not the only thing she inherited. Never having liked such foods as beer and chicken nuggets, she suddenly started craving them. After an extraordinary dream, she seeks out the family of her donor -- a teenaged boy who died in a motorcycle accident -- and learns that it is indeed possible for two souls to merge in one body. "This is a story that must be told and heard...a fascinating example of how cellular memory can outlive physical death." -- Deepak Chopra, M.D.
After a heart and lung transplant operation, dancer Claire Sylvia discovered that new organs were not the only thing she inherited. Never having liked...
Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt: Erst wenn ein Arzt sich als Mensch und nicht nur als Techniker engagiert, ein Kranker sich nicht als Opfer versteht, sondern seinen Lebenswillen mobilisiert, knnen beide zusammen effektiv zur Heilung beitragen. Spektakulre Heilerfolge selbst bei Schwerkranken belegen: Ein mitfhlender Arzt und ein Patient, der all seinen Lebenswillen mobilisiert, knnen gemeinsam Krankheiten mit grtem Erfolg bekmpfen. Dr. med. Bernie Siegel zeigt mit seinem wegweisenden und ermutigenden Bericht, wie er den Umgang mit den Patienten in seiner eigenen Praxis von Grund auf verndert...
Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt: Erst wenn ein Arzt sich als Mensch und nicht nur als Techniker engagiert, ein Kranker sich nicht als Opfer versteht, ...