Praying God s Blessings on Your Grandchildren Whether they live a continent away or just down the street, your grandchildren need your prayers. By praying for them regularly, you can have an enormous influence on their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Even children who are reared in a Christian home need someone to pray for them, and who can do it better than a grandma? Grandma, I Need Your Prayers is an easy-to-use guide for prayer that will encourage you with practical help and motivate you with wonderful stories of answered prayers. It will show you how to pray strategically...
Praying God s Blessings on Your Grandchildren Whether they live a continent away or just down the street, your grandchildren need your prayers. By pra...
Que esperanzas tiene con sus hijos? Que lleguen a ser fieles creyentes? Que sean capaces de resistir las tentaciones que los rodean? Que sea notable su estilo cristiano de vida? Como madre, Quin Sherrer tuvo esas mismas preocupaciones, pero no sabia orar por sus hijos. Habia algun modo peculiar de orar por ellos? Eran algunas oraciones mas eficaces que otras? Quin comenzo a preguntarles a otras madres de como ellas oraban y cuales eran los resultados de sus oraciones. En este libro, Quin nos dice lo que aprendio. Nos muestra la importancia de que dos se pongan de acuerdo para orar, del orar...
Que esperanzas tiene con sus hijos? Que lleguen a ser fieles creyentes? Que sean capaces de resistir las tentaciones que los rodean? Que sea notable s...
Quinn Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock narran lo importante que es llegar a ser abuela y como colaborar con los hijos que empiezan a procrear. A traves de las experiencias vividas con sus propios nietos, animan a las abuelas a participar mas activamente en la crianza de los hijos de sus hijos. La obra muestra con sencillez la profunda influencia que tienen las abuelas en la vida de nuestros hijos. El libro ayuda a las mujeres a orar por sus nietos en diversas situaciones y expone los logros alcanzados por muchos de ellos mediante la oracion constante de las queridas abuelas. Abuela, necesito tus...
Quinn Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock narran lo importante que es llegar a ser abuela y como colaborar con los hijos que empiezan a procrear. A traves de l...
La Palabra de Dios es el arma mas poderosa en la artilleria espiritual de un creyente. Quin Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock, las exitosas autoras de Guerra espiritual: Una guia para la mujer creen que cuando los cristianos usan la Biblia como forma de intercesion y de combate, atan el poder del maligno y declaran las promesas y la victoria de Dios en sus vidas, y en las vidas de las personas que aman. En La guia de oracion del guerrero espiritual muestran al lector como aplicar las promesas biblicas en cada area de la vida, en la enfermedad, problemas economicos,...
La Palabra de Dios es el arma mas poderosa en la artilleria espiritual de un creyente. Quin Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock, las exitosas aut...
Most Christian parents pray for their children, but many don't know how to pray effectively and powerfully. Now, from the coauthor of A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare and The Spiritual Warrior's Prayer Guide, comes this step-by-step guide to praying faithfully and diligently for precious sons and daughters. The first step is to surrender growing children to the Lord, who longs to partner with parents to raise godly women and men. Once parents have invited the Holy Spirit into their child's growth and development, they can pray for their child's specific needs. Readers...
Most Christian parents pray for their children, but many don't know how to pray effectively and powerfully. Now, from the coauthor of A Woman's Gui...
Who is the Holy Spirit? How can believers experience God's presence? How does God work in, with, and through His followers? Many Christians have very basic questions about the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. In The Beginner's Guide to Receiving the Holy Spirit, they will find answers to their questions and learn how to access the power and presence of God promised to all His children. Readers will discover who the Holy Spirit is and find out how He will enable them to live the abundant life Jesus promised. Plus, once they receive the Spirit, they'll learn how to maintain...
Who is the Holy Spirit? How can believers experience God's presence? How does God work in, with, and through His followers? Many Christians have very ...
God's Word is the strongest weapon in a believer's spiritual artillery. Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, bestselling authors of A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare, believe that when Christians use the Bible in intercession and warfare, they bind the power of the evil one and declare God's promises and victory for their lives and for those they love. In The Spiritual Warrior's Prayer Guide, they show the reader how to apply biblical promises to every area of life, whether in illness, financial trouble, depression, concern for wayward loved ones, unemployment, or spiritual...
God's Word is the strongest weapon in a believer's spiritual artillery. Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, bestselling authors of A Woman's Guide t...
Groundbreaking Spiritual Warfare Book for Women, Now Revised and Updated
Women everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them. A friend's depression. A child's destructive choices. A neighbor's broken marriage. A husband's failed business. A bad medical report. But you don't have to watch hopelessly from the sidelines. This is a crucial time for praying women to take their stand. In this newly revised and updated edition, you'll discover sound biblical guidelines, inspiring stories, and practical steps to help you see victory on the battlefront. As you...
Groundbreaking Spiritual Warfare Book for Women, Now Revised and Updated
Women everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them. ...