Interpreting Revelation . . . in its Proper Context Too often the Western Church views Scripture from a Greek Mind-set within the context of a Hellenized society. The Church follows a pagan, Roman solar calendar which fashions a linear, compartmentalized interpretation of the Bible-especially the Book of Revelation. Contrary to this modernist approach, the prophets and writers of the New Testament wrote the Scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit from a Hebrew cultural context. The authors lived in accordance with the Torah and the lunar Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew historical view...
Interpreting Revelation . . . in its Proper Context Too often the Western Church views Scripture from a Greek Mind-set within the context of a Helleni...
Last Days Prophecy.A Jewish Believer's Perspective Millions of Christians anticipate a secret and silent, pre-tribulation rapture, whisking them away to the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb. This concept is alluring. It would be a source of comfort to not pass through a coming great tribulation. Although this doctrine has wide appeal, does biblical evidence confirm it as truth? The author contends from biblical prophecy that in the foreseeable future even those who have enjoyed religious freedom with be persecuted for faith in Christ. As they are dragged to prison and even martyrdom, they...
Last Days Prophecy.A Jewish Believer's Perspective Millions of Christians anticipate a secret and silent, pre-tribulation rapture, whisking them away ...