The book of Proverbs is the world's greatest treasury of wisdom. It offers practical insights for day-to-day discussions and provides moral guidelines for living in an immoral world. As you unearth the riches of Proverbs, you will discover why "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" for all the affairs of everyday life.
The book of Proverbs is the world's greatest treasury of wisdom. It offers practical insights for day-to-day discussions and provides moral guidelines...
The Psalms are the Bible's book of music-without-notes whose "lyrics" portray the greatness of God. Ranging the spectrum of human experience and emotion, the Psalms acclaim God's majesty and righteousness and reveal his everlasting love for his people. Your heart will feel the psalmists' passion -- and your prayer and worship life will deepen as Israel's sacred songbook brings you "heart to heart with God."
The Psalms are the Bible's book of music-without-notes whose "lyrics" portray the greatness of God. Ranging the spectrum of human experience and emoti...
The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Mastering Ministry is a perfect -survival guide- for today's pastor addressing relevant topics such as worship, preaching, controversies, evangelism, church management, pastoral care, fundraising and personal growth.
The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Masterin...
Every church has them--sincere, well-meaning Christians who leave ulcers, strained relationships, and hard feelings in their wake. They don't intend to be hostile; they don't consciously plot destruction or breed discontent. But they often do undermine the ministry of the church and make pastors question their calling.
Ministering to Problem People in Your Church will guide you in dealing with these challenging people. Based on real-life accounts of battle-scarred veterans, this book helps you go beyond just tolerating problem people...
Do you face well-intentioned dragons?
Every church has them--sincere, well-meaning Christians who leave ulcers, strained relationships, and...