Using the vivid, poignant and personal stories of the members of a website support group she founded (, Anne Sheffield, the author of two highly acclaimed books on depression, provides an honest record of what happens to a love relationship once depression enters the picture, and offers solid advice on what the non-depressed partner can do to improve his or her own life and the relationship.
Of the millions of people who suffer from a depressive illness, few suffer in solitude. They draw the people they love - spouses, parents, children,...
Using the vivid, poignant and personal stories of the members of a website support group she founded (, Anne Shef...
One of every four women suffers from depression at some point in her life, often during the prime childbearing years, yet most fail to recognize the telltale signs of this common, treatable illness and its potentially negative effects on the children of all ages. Drawing on her experience as both a child of a depressed mother and as a depressed mother herself, as well as on extensive research by experts in psychiatry, psychology, and child development, Books for a Better Life award winner Anne Sheffield offers advice on how to:
recognize the symptoms of depression and protect...
One of every four women suffers from depression at some point in her life, often during the prime childbearing years, yet most fail to recognize the t...