Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy onCorporate Strategy: Nestle and the Infant Formula Controversy presents an in-depth analysis of the infant formula controversy and the resulting international boycott of Nestle products launched by various social activist groups and church organizations. The actions of those groups culminated in the passage of the first international marketing code under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Based on exhaustive and unique research, the book details the Nestle case and uses it to analyze a number of...
Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy onCorporate Strategy: Nestle and the Infant Formula Controversy presen...
Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) are a massive subset of the healthcare industry that negotiate lower costs for healthcare supplies by buying for several hospitals at once. Group Purchasing Organizations provides an analysis and critique of this industry.
Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) are a massive subset of the healthcare industry that negotiate lower costs for healthcare supplies by buying for...
Corporate strategy expert Prakash Sethi takes an in-depth look at global structures and how regulation works from a corporate perspective, providing case studies of several industries and governments who have begun implementing voluntary codes of conducts, including Equator Principles, ICMM, and The Kimberly Process.
Corporate strategy expert Prakash Sethi takes an in-depth look at global structures and how regulation works from a corporate perspective, providing c...
religious values at the office door. Apartheid was an evil, and business had great power in South Africa. Where there is power, there is also responsibil ity. I prayed about this long and hard. I pushed the companies as much as I thought I could. There were advances and there were setbacks, but finally we prevailed and the Blacks of South Africa secured their freedom. My effort in behalf of the Sullivan Principles was only one of a number of significant efforts of the anti-apartheid movement. All of those other efforts must be recognized, as well. The Sullivan Principles and the manner in...
religious values at the office door. Apartheid was an evil, and business had great power in South Africa. Where there is power, there is also responsi...
Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy onCorporate Strategy: Nestle and the Infant Formula Controversy presents an in-depth analysis of the infant formula controversy and the resulting international boycott of Nestle products launched by various social activist groups and church organizations. The actions of those groups culminated in the passage of the first international marketing code under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Based on exhaustive and unique research, the book details the Nestle case and uses it to analyze a number of...
Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy onCorporate Strategy: Nestle and the Infant Formula Controversy presen...
religious values at the office door. Apartheid was an evil, and business had great power in South Africa. Where there is power, there is also responsibil- ity. I prayed about this long and hard. I pushed the companies as much as I thought I could. There were advances and there were setbacks, but finally we prevailed and the Blacks of South Africa secured their freedom. My effort in behalf of the Sullivan Principles was only one of a number of significant efforts of the anti-apartheid movement. All of those other efforts must be recognized, as well. The Sullivan Principles and the manner in...
religious values at the office door. Apartheid was an evil, and business had great power in South Africa. Where there is power, there is also responsi...
Recent trends in globalization have conclusively demonstrated that economic and socio-political problems of the 21st century would need to be confronted in the context of the inter-dependent nature of the world and its inhabitants. The emerging global economic order has once again brought capitalism and its principal actor, the large multinational corporation, to the apex of social institutions. The 23 papers represent a diversity of viewpoints and are indicative of one of the major goals, i.e., to create a meaningful discourse that goes beyond rhetoric. Instead, it emphasizes a search for...
Recent trends in globalization have conclusively demonstrated that economic and socio-political problems of the 21st century would need to be confront...