Its wisdom formed his soul; it inspired him to a life of the deepest devotion, and ultimately it helped him become one of the Church's greatest saints. Now this book can do the same thing for you.It's no longer fashionable to speak of the Christian life as a battle, but there's actually no better way to describe the tug-of-war for your soul that's raging right now between the forces of light and darkness.Here, Dom Lorenzo Scupoli helps you take your proper part in this spiritual battle so that you can win -- decisively -- the war for your soul.This book has been loved by saints and sinners...
Its wisdom formed his soul; it inspired him to a life of the deepest devotion, and ultimately it helped him become one of the Church's greatest saints...
Father Jack Sparks has masterfully adapted the material from this highly treasured monastic work specifically for todays lay Christian living in the midst of a modern world. The result is a profound but highly practical resource for those who seek to strive with all their might against the enemies of our souls-the world, the flesh, and the devil. Study questions at the end of each chapter facilitate individual or small group study. Two other books in the "Unseen Warfare" series-Virtue in the Unseen Warfare, and Prayer in the Unseen Warfare-are complementary in content, but do not overlap. Can...
Father Jack Sparks has masterfully adapted the material from this highly treasured monastic work specifically for todays lay Christian living in the m...
The Spiritual Combat - together with The Supplement and The Path of Paradise - by Lorenzo Scupoli
The Spiritual Combat by Lorenzo Scupoli is a practical guide to the spiritual life, with a message centered on humility, and a goal to defeat individual passions. The author begins the process with self-evaluation and identifying our internal weaknesses. He then provides us with the methods to battle these shortcomings and guard against our own evil inclinations.
In 1589, the first edition of Il combattimento spirituale (The Spiritual Combat) appeared and...
The Spiritual Combat - together with The Supplement and The Path of Paradise - by Lorenzo Scupoli
Il combattimento spirituale e un trattato di strategia spirituale che come altre opere e vicino alla spiritualita ignaziana conduce l'anima a una perfezione tutta interiore. L'opera indica cinque mezzi per raggiungere la perfezione spirituale: 1. Sfiducia in se 2. pienissima confidenza in Dio 3. combattimento e uso metodico delle facolta per correggere i propri difetti, quindi per trionfare del demonio e per conquistare le virtu 4. preghiera e meditazione 5. comunione. Come molte altre opere, il combattimento spirituale e uno di quei libri che non dovrebbe mancare nelle nostre librerie, in...
Il combattimento spirituale e un trattato di strategia spirituale che come altre opere e vicino alla spiritualita ignaziana conduce l'anima a una perf...
The Spiritual Combat by Lorenzo Scupoli is a practical guide to the spiritual life, with a message centered on humility, and a goal to defeat individual passions. The author begins the process with self-evaluation and identifying our internal weaknesses. He then provides us with the methods to battle these shortcomings and guard against our own evil inclinations.
In 1589, the first edition of Il combattimento spirituale (The Spiritual Combat) appeared and contained thirty-three chapters. But Scupoli continued to add to the text, and it gradually grew into the current...
The Spiritual Combat by Lorenzo Scupoli is a practical guide to the spiritual life, with a message centered on humility, and a goal to defea...