Count Robert of Paris, condemned by Scott's printer as 'altogether a failure', was later prepared for publication by his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, and his publisher Robert Cadell. What appeared was a bowdlerised, tamed and tidied version of what Scott had written and dictated. This edition, the first to have returned to the manuscript and to the many surviving proofs, realises Scott's original intentions. Scott's last full novel has many roughnesses, but it also challenges the susceptibilities of his readers more directly than any other and in that lay its fault in the eyes of the lesser...
Count Robert of Paris, condemned by Scott's printer as 'altogether a failure', was later prepared for publication by his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, a...
Walter Scott J. H. Alexander Constantin V. Boundas
Count Robert of Paris, condemned by Scott's printer as 'altogether a failure', was later prepared for publication by his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, and his publisher Robert Cadell. What appeared was a bowdlerised, tamed and tidied version of what Scott had written and dictated. This edition, the first to have returned to the manuscript and to the many surviving proofs, realises Scott's original intentions. Scott's last full novel has many roughnesses, but it also challenges the susceptibilities of his readers more directly than any other and in that lay its fault in the eyes of the lesser...
Count Robert of Paris, condemned by Scott's printer as 'altogether a failure', was later prepared for publication by his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, a...
Going back to the original manuscripts, a team of scholars has uncovered what Scott originally wrote and intended his public to read before errors, misreadings and expurgations crept in during production.The Edinburgh Edition offers you: * A clean, corrected text* Textual histories* Explanatory notes* Verbal changes from the first-edition text* Full glossariesTitle DescriptionScott wrote short stories throughout his career, some included within novels, others published separately in periodicals. This collection of the stories from periodicals extends from his earliest published fiction to his...
Going back to the original manuscripts, a team of scholars has uncovered what Scott originally wrote and intended his public to read before errors, mi...
Reliquiae Trotcosienses was one of Scott's last works, and, after his death, was suppressed by his literary executor and his publisher. Although extracts were published in 1889 and 1905, this is the first complete edition, and has been edited from the manuscript recently relocated in the library at Abbotsford, the house near Melrose in the Scottish Borders which Scott built for his library and museum.Reliquiae Trotcosienses (the relics of Trotcosey) is a guide to Abbotsford and to its collections, and illustrates in miniature all the different ways in which Scott tried to recover the past: in...
Reliquiae Trotcosienses was one of Scott's last works, and, after his death, was suppressed by his literary executor and his publisher. Although extra...
An example of pre-professional history, the Tales of a Grandfather chronicles the French royalty's dynastic concerns and principal military-political engagements with foreign powers from 1412 to 1512. Scott's narrative opens with Henry V's preparations for war with France and an account of the persisting rivalry between the houses of Orleans and of Burgundy. Of particular interest is Scott's description of the murder of John the Fearless at Montereau in 1419 and his tracing of that event's disastrous effects through the fifteenth century. Scott drew on standard sources, but the interpretation...
An example of pre-professional history, the Tales of a Grandfather chronicles the French royalty's dynastic concerns and principal military-political ...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, with Walter Scott's extensive notes, commentary, and addenda. It is said that these teachings are records of private, intimate talks between a teacher and one or two of his disciples. The setting was in Egypt under the Roman Empire, among men who had received some instruction in Greek philosophy, and especially the Platonism of the period, but were not content with merely accepting and repeating the cut-and-dried dogmas of...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Her...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, with Walter Scott's extensive notes, commentary, and addenda.
It is said that these teachings are records of private, intimate talks between a teacher and one or two of his disciples. The setting was in Egypt under the Roman Empire, among men who had received some instruction in Greek philosophy, and especially the Platonism of the period, but were not content with merely accepting and repeating the dogmas of the orthodox...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Her...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, with Walter Scott's extensive notes, commentary, and addenda. It is said that these teachings are records of private, intimate talks between a teacher and one or two of his disciples. The setting was in Egypt under the Roman Empire, among men who had received some instruction in Greek philosophy, and especially the Platonism of the period, but were not content with merely accepting and repeating the dogmas of the orthodox...
First published in 1924, this classic four-volume work contains various Greek and Latin writings of religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Her...