"Water's flow constantly links life and death. It is the mediator between the two, and its surface provides a common frontier in nature where they meet. Death is continuously being overcome there." It is the living movement of water that makes life on Earth possible. Based on spiritual science and on their own numerous experiments, Theodor and Wolfram Schwenk show that our Earth is a living organism, with water as a sensory organ that perceives vital cosmic influences and transmits them into earthly life The authors' approach to the current water and environmental crises goes beyond...
"Water's flow constantly links life and death. It is the mediator between the two, and its surface provides a common frontier in nature where they mee...
Lange bevor die Chaostheorie entstand und populr wurde, gewannTheodor Schwenk bereits die fundamentale Einsicht in die Wechselbeziehungzwischen Chaos, Formentstehung und den Anfangsbedingungendes chaotischen Zustandes sowohl in der Natur wieauch in der Theorie. Seine Arbeit ist bis heute unbertroffen.Ralph Abraham,Professor fr Mathematik, University of California
Lange bevor die Chaostheorie entstand und populr wurde, gewannTheodor Schwenk bereits die fundamentale Einsicht in die Wechselbeziehungzwischen Chaos,...