The intent of this collection of original essays is to revitalize the study of kinship and exchange in a social network perspective. The collection combines studies of empirical systems of marriage and descent with investigations of the flow of material resources. This book marks the emergence of a new era in the study of kinship and exchange using a productive combination of ethnographic substance with formal methods, one which leaves behind older structural-functionalist and culturalist assumptions.
The intent of this collection of original essays is to revitalize the study of kinship and exchange in a social network perspective. The collection co...
This textbook provides an introduction to the most important themes related to embedded systems, including technologies, communications, microprocessors, system description languages, sensor networks, and high-level synthesis. Extensive attention is paid to development methodology. This part is particularly designed for students and computer scientists who plan to work or are already working as developers.
This textbook provides an introduction to the most important themes related to embedded systems, including technologies, communications, microproce...