An important contribution to constitutional literature, this collection of ten unpublished decisions by the Warren Court puts the decision making process of the Supreme Court in a new light. By following the major changes that occur in each case from the circulation of tentative majority opinions to the final issuance of opinion, the book portrays how the justices communicate with each other and how they are influenced by each other's arguments. Interpretations and commentaries by the author illuminate the significance of each case and provide insight into the different judicial philosophies...
An important contribution to constitutional literature, this collection of ten unpublished decisions by the Warren Court puts the decision making proc...
A companion to Oxford's The Unpublished Opinions of the Warren Court, this book contains the draft opinions that were prepared by the Justices in the cases included, as well as a short historical preface of each case and an analysis of the legal events occurring after the drafts were sent to the Justices.
A companion to Oxford's The Unpublished Opinions of the Warren Court, this book contains the draft opinions that were prepared by the Justice...
When the first Supreme Court convened in 1790, it was so ill-esteemed that its justices frequently resigned in favor of other pursuits. John Rutledge stepped down as Associate Justice to become a state judge in South Carolina; John Jay resigned as Chief Justice to run for Governor of New York; and Alexander Hamilton declined to replace Jay, pursuing a private law practice instead. As Bernard Schwartz shows in this landmark history, the Supreme Court has indeed travelled a long and interesting journey to its current preeminent place in American life. In A History of the Supreme...
When the first Supreme Court convened in 1790, it was so ill-esteemed that its justices frequently resigned in favor of other pursuits. John Rutledge ...
A judge-made revolution? The very term seems an oxymoron, yet this is exactly what the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren achieved. In Bernard Schwartzs latest work, based on a conference at the University of Tulsa College of Law, we get the first retrospective on the Warren Court--a detailed analysis of the Courts accomplishments, including original pieces by well-known judges, professors, lawyers, popular writers such as Anthony Lewis, David Halberstam, David J. Garrow, and a rare personal remembrance by Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. The Warren Court: A...
A judge-made revolution? The very term seems an oxymoron, yet this is exactly what the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren achieved. In Bern...
Who are the top ten greatest Supreme Court Justices of all time? Who are the worst ten? Which Supreme Court decision helped lead to the Civil War? What are the ten greatest and worst Supreme Court decisions? What are the ten best courtroom movies? Who was the last to use the Supreme Court spittoon? Who was the first Justice to wear trousers beneath his Supreme Court robes? From John Marshall, the greatest Supreme Court Justice, to Alfred Moore, one of the worst, Bernard Schwartz's A Book of Legal Lists--the first ever compiled--provides the Ten Bests and Worsts in American law (and also...
Who are the top ten greatest Supreme Court Justices of all time? Who are the worst ten? Which Supreme Court decision helped lead to the Civil War? Wha...
Warren E. Burger served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1969 to 1987, an often tumultuous period in which the Court wrestled with several compelling constitutional issues. United States v. Nixon set the stage for the resignation of a President; Roe v. Wade created a nationwide debate that is as divisive today as ever before; Lemon v. Kurtzman attempted to enunciate a clear standard for vexing church-state issues; and the "Pentagon Papers" case was a landmark freedom-of-the-press decision.
An impressive collection of writings by legal scholars and...
Warren E. Burger served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1969 to 1987, an often tumultuous period in which the Court wrestled with several c...
From John Marshall, the greatest Supreme Court Justice, to Alfred Moore, one of the worst, Bernard Schwartz's A Book of Legal Lists -- the first ever compiled -- provides the Ten Bests and Worsts in American law and also includes answers to 150 trivia questions about the legal world. From disappointments like Plessy v. Ferguson (number two on the Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions list), which gave the lie to the American ideal "that all men are created equal," to lesser known but no less important decisions such as the 1933 United States v. One Book Called "Ulysses" (number nine on the Ten...
From John Marshall, the greatest Supreme Court Justice, to Alfred Moore, one of the worst, Bernard Schwartz's A Book of Legal Lists -- the first ever ...
I shudder when I think... when I, as a newly minted PhD in clinical psychology, was certified as competent and qualified... it is not farfetched to say I knew next to nothing...
Newly minted therapists aren't alone in making mistakes, of course; even seasoned professionals can benefit from discovering the 50+ most common errors therapists make, and how to avoid them. Newly revised and updated, this indispensable guide includes more case examples and adds seven ways to fail with child patients, too.
How to Fail......
From the Foreword, by Arnold Lazarus, PhD, ABPP:
I shudder when I think... when I, as a newly minted PhD in clinical psychology, was certif...
The first single, comprehensive source for locating North American public prairies, grasslands, and savannas, Prairie Directory of North America is a guide unlike any other. First published in 2001, the book uniquely catalogs the continent's most well-known prairie sites by country and state for easy reference. With the addition of over three hundred newly located, preserved, or restored sites, the second edition is the prairie enthusiast's ideal guide to locating countless North American sites-from the well-documented to the remote. Readers can use the guide to plan both convenient visits to...
The first single, comprehensive source for locating North American public prairies, grasslands, and savannas, Prairie Directory of North America is a ...
Originally published in 1955, this book by legal historian Bernard Schwartz presents the workings of American constitutional law for a non-American audience. Schwartz explains in the preface that 'essential to an understanding of the United States is some knowledge of the American system of constitutional law. For it is no exaggeration to say that the Federal Constitution is the fulcrum upon which American institutions turn.' This book will be of value to legal historians and anyone with an interest in the American legal system.
Originally published in 1955, this book by legal historian Bernard Schwartz presents the workings of American constitutional law for a non-American au...