This is an interdisciplinary collection of previously unpublished papers on the controversial relationship between religious behavior and mental health. Schumaker has assembled a distinguished international roster of contributors--sociologists and anthropologists as well as psychiatrists and psychologists of religion--representing a wide range of opinions concerning the mental health implications of religious belief and practice. Taken together, the papers provide a comprehensive overview of theory and research in the field. Included are papers on the interaction of religion and self-esteem,...
This is an interdisciplinary collection of previously unpublished papers on the controversial relationship between religious behavior and mental healt...
Previous leading commentators on the development of psychology in the Third World have conceived of three major stages: an attempt to assimilate Western psychology, with predictably negative results; the study of indigenous constructs, with more relevant applications; and, finally, transcending stage one and stage two to choose theories and methods on their applied merit alone. "Psychology and the Developing World" has been assembled to document how close psychology has come to researching that stage. Contributors were carefully selected to provide a unique overview of the latest...
Previous leading commentators on the development of psychology in the Third World have conceived of three major stages: an attempt to assimilate We...
An interdisciplinary volume which draws together the concepts of culture and cognition in the wider context of psychopathology. It provides new perspectives on the etiology, treatment, and prevention of psychopathology by challenging current individualistic models and assumptions, while offering new theoretical formulations that take account of the cultural foundation of the cognition process.
This book is divided into three sections. The first offers a history of the existing shortsighted models that see the individual as the source of pathological cognitions. The second section is...
An interdisciplinary volume which draws together the concepts of culture and cognition in the wider context of psychopathology. It provides new per...
The often misunderstood modern person syndrome is a disorder linked to the conditions of living in our contemporary society. The author argues that the conditions of modernity have introduced new processes, forces, and cultural motivations that have major implications for all aspects of mental health and social well being. While modernity offers unprecedented opportunities for personal enhancement and creative expression, there is mounting evidence of a mental health crisis that demands the immediate attention of mental health professionals. In order to address the new challenges that have...
The often misunderstood modern person syndrome is a disorder linked to the conditions of living in our contemporary society. The author argues that...