The relationship between economic and political thinking has reached a crisis at the end of the 20th century. Already at the beginning of this century, in Roman Catholicism and Political Form, Carl Schmitt juxtaposed a juridical interpretation of religion oriented to the political sphere to Max Weber's sociological interpretation oriented to the economic sphere in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
According to G. L. Ulmen, translator of Roman Catholicism and Political Formjus publicum Europaeum and the Eurocentric epoch of world history...
The relationship between economic and political thinking has reached a crisis at the end of the 20th century. Already at the beginning of this cent...
Carl Schmitt ranks among the most original and controversial political thinkers of the twentieth century. His incisive criticisms of Enlightenment political thought and liberal political practice remain as shocking and significant today as when they first appeared in Weimar Germany. Unavailable in English until now, "Legality and Legitimacy" was composed in 1932, in the midst of the crisis that would lead to the collapse of the Weimar Republic and only a matter of months before Schmitt's collaboration with the Nazis. In this important work, Schmitt questions the political viability of liberal...
Carl Schmitt ranks among the most original and controversial political thinkers of the twentieth century. His incisive criticisms of Enlightenment pol...
Als erste Edition einer umfangreichen Korrespondenz aus dem Nachlass Carl Schmitts wird der Briefwechsel zwischen dem gleicher weise umstrittenen wie beruhmten Juristen und Armin Mohler veroffentlicht. Die Korrespondenz umfasst die Zeit von 1947 bis 1980 und enthalt 280 Briefe und Karten von Carl Schmitt an Armin Mohler. Das Buch ist fur die Deutung Carl Schmitts in der Nachkriegszeit in seinem Sauerlander "Exil" grundlegend, gleichzeitig enthalt es pointierte Schlaglichter auf das politische und kulturelle Geschehen der fruhen und mittleren Bundesrepublik sowie auf Werk und Leben von Ernst...
Als erste Edition einer umfangreichen Korrespondenz aus dem Nachlass Carl Schmitts wird der Briefwechsel zwischen dem gleicher weise umstrittenen wie ...
One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes used the Enlightenment philosopher s enduring symbol of the protective Leviathan to address the nature of modern statehood. A work that predicted the demise of the Third Reich and that still holds relevance in today s security-obsessed society, this volume will be essential reading for students and scholars of...
One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both N...
A pioneer in legal and political theory, Schmitt traces the prehistory of political romanticism by examining its relationship to revolutionary and reactionary tendencies in modern European history. Both the partisans of the French Revolution and its most embittered enemies were numbered among the romantics. During the movement for German national unity at the beginning of the nineteenth century, both revolutionaries and reactionaries counted themselves as romantics. According to Schmitt, the use of the concept to designate opposed political positions results from the character of political...
A pioneer in legal and political theory, Schmitt traces the prehistory of political romanticism by examining its relationship to revolutionary and ...
Land und Meer- die elementaren Gegebenheiten menschlichen Daseins und Handelns bestimmen den Charakter Ordnungen des Vlkerrechts und der Kriege. Die unterschiedlichen Auffassungen der Nationen und Staatsmnner von Politik, Krieg, Feindschaft, Recht und Humanitt wurzeln im eigenen Verhltnis zum Raum.
Land und Meer- die elementaren Gegebenheiten menschlichen Daseins und Handelns bestimmen den Charakter Ordnungen des Vlkerrechts und der Kriege. Die u...
Written in the early stages of the Cold War by one of the most controversial political and legal thinkers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt's two short dialogues on power and space bring together several dimensions of his work in new ways. The dialogues renew Schmitt's engagement with the questions of political power and geo-politics that had been a persistent concern throughout his intellectual life. As a basis on which to think through the historical role of human agency in relation to power and its new geographies, the dialogues condense and rework key concepts in Schmitt's...
Written in the early stages of the Cold War by one of the most controversial political and legal thinkers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt's ...
Written in the early stages of the Cold War by one of the most controversial political and legal thinkers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt's two short dialogues on power and space bring together several dimensions of his work in new ways. The dialogues renew Schmitt's engagement with the questions of political power and geo-politics that had been a persistent concern throughout his intellectual life. As a basis on which to think through the historical role of human agency in relation to power and its new geographies, the dialogues condense and rework key concepts in Schmitt's...
Written in the early stages of the Cold War by one of the most controversial political and legal thinkers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt's ...