Discourse markers--the particles oh, well, now, then, you know, and I mean, and the connectives so, because, and, but, and or --perform important functions in conversation and call for the rigorous analysis this study provides. Schiffrin's approach is interdisciplinary, within linguistics and sociology, and demonstrates that markers and the conversations in which they function can only be properly understood as an integration of structural, semantic, pragmatic, and social factors. The core of this book is a comparative analysis of markers within conversational discourse collected by Dr....
Discourse markers--the particles oh, well, now, then, you know, and I mean, and the connectives so, because, and, but, and or --perform important func...
Deborah Schiffrin looks at two important tasks of language--presenting 'who' we are talking about (the referent) and 'what happened' to them (their actions and attributes) in a narrative--and explores how this presentation alters in relation to emergent forms and meanings. Drawing on examples from both face-to-face talk and public discourse, she analyzes a variety of repairs, reformulations of referents, and retellings of narratives, ranging from word-level repairs within a single turn-at-talk, to life story narratives told years apart.
Deborah Schiffrin looks at two important tasks of language--presenting 'who' we are talking about (the referent) and 'what happened' to them (their ac...
The relationship between language, discourse and identity has always been a major area of sociolinguistic investigation. In more recent times, the field has been revolutionized as previous models - which assumed our identities to be based on stable relationships between linguistic and social variables - have been challenged by pioneering new approaches to the topic. This volume brings together a team of leading experts to explore discourse in a range of social contexts. By applying a variety of analytical tools and concepts, the contributors show how we build images of ourselves through...
The relationship between language, discourse and identity has always been a major area of sociolinguistic investigation. In more recent times, the fie...
This is a guide to the various frameworks, concepts, and methods available for the analysis of discourse within linguistics. It compares six dominant approaches to discourse analysis: speech act theory, pragmatics, ethnomethodology, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, and variation theory.
The author not only considers each approach from several standpoints but she also illustrates them through extensive applications to a variety of concrete social and linguistic problems facing discourse analysts.
This is a guide to the various frameworks, concepts, and methods available for the analysis of discourse within linguistics. It compares six dominant ...
Deborah Schiffrin Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton Deborah Tannen
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis makes significant contributions to current research and serves as a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the central issues in contemporary discourse analysis.
Features comprehensive coverage of contemporary discourse analysis.
Offers an overview of how different disciplines approach the analysis of discourse.
Provides analysis of a wide range of data, including political speeches, everyday conversation, and literary texts.
Includes a varied range of theoretical models,...
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis makes significant contributions to current research and serves as a comprehensive and authoritative guide to...
Ralph W. Fasold Deborah Schriffin Deborah Schiffrin
The study of language variation in social context continues to hold the attention of a large number of linguists. This research is promoted by the annual colloquia on New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English' (NWAVE). This volume is a selection of revised papers from the NWAVE XI, held at Georgetown University. It deals with a number of items, some of which have often been discussed, others that have been less emphasized. The first group of articles in the volume center on a frequent theme: speech communities as the essential setting for understanding variation in language. Earlier work in...
The study of language variation in social context continues to hold the attention of a large number of linguists. This research is promoted by the ann...
The relationship between language, discourse and identity has always been a major area of sociolinguistic investigation. In more recent times, the field has been revolutionized as previous models - which assumed our identities to be based on stable relationships between linguistic and social variables - have been challenged by pioneering new approaches to the topic. This volume brings together a team of leading experts to explore discourse in a range of social contexts. By applying a variety of analytical tools and concepts, the contributors show how we build images of ourselves through...
The relationship between language, discourse and identity has always been a major area of sociolinguistic investigation. In more recent times, the fie...
Narratives are fundamental to our lives: we dream, plan, complain, endorse, entertain, teach, learn, and reminisce through telling stories. They provide hopes, enhance or mitigate disappointments, challenge or support moral order and test out theories of the world at both personal and communal levels. It is because of this deep embedding of narrative in everyday life that its study has become a wide research field including disciplines as diverse as linguistics, literary theory, folklore, clinical psychology, cognitive and developmental psychology, anthropology, sociology, and...
Narratives are fundamental to our lives: we dream, plan, complain, endorse, entertain, teach, learn, and reminisce through telling stories. They pr...
Deborah Tannen Heidi E. Hamilton Deborah Schiffrin
The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest research to have developed since the original publication, including new theoretical paradigms and discourse-analytic models, in an authoritative two-volume set.
The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest researc...