Learn how to incorporate adult play therapy into your practice with this easy-to-use guide
In the Western world there has been a widening belief that play is not a trivial or childish pursuit but rather a prime pillar of mental health, along with love and work. Play Therapy with Adults presents original chapters written by a collection of international experts who examine the diverse approaches and clinical strategies available for successfully incorporating play therapy into adult-client sessions.
This timely guide covers healing through the use of a variety of play...
Learn how to incorporate adult play therapy into your practice with this easy-to-use guide
Innovative Psychotherapy Techniques in Child and Adolescent Therapy, Second Edition.
Therapists who treat children and adolescents are confronted with unique problems that often challenge traditional methods of intervention. This Second Edition is an indispensable resource, revised and updated to provide therapists with a wide variety of valuable treatment and nontraditional intervention techniques, such as expressive arts, relaxation, deep pressure/touch, confrontational, stress-challenge, nature-oriented, and modeling therapy. The Second Edition provides important, clinically...
Innovative Psychotherapy Techniques in Child and Adolescent Therapy, Second Edition.
Therapists who treat children and adolescents are co...
A comprehensive parent's guide to your child's psychological development from birth through age 10 Written in an engaging, practical style, Ages and Stages offers you the benefits of the most current research on child development, featuring helpful tips and techniques to foster your child's maturation. Charles Schaefer and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo tell you what behaviors you can expect as your child grows and how you can help him or her to advance to the next level of development. They include numerous examples, stories, and activities you can use immediately to positively influence your...
A comprehensive parent's guide to your child's psychological development from birth through age 10 Written in an engaging, practical style, Ages and S...
In the decade since its publication, Handbook of Play Therapy has attained the status of a classic in the field. Writing in the most glowing terms, enthusiastic reviewers in North America and abroad hailed that book as "an excellent resource for workers in all disciplines concerned with children's mental health" (Contemporary Psychology).
Now, in this companion volume, editors Kevin O'Connor and Charles Schaefer continue the important work they began in their 1984 classic, bringing readers an in-depth look at state-of-the-art play therapy practices and principles. While it updates readers...
In the decade since its publication, Handbook of Play Therapy has attained the status of a classic in the field. Writing in the most glowing terms, en...
A guide to the latest tools for teaching effective and positive parenting skills
In the last three decades, parent training has established itself as an empirically sound, highly successful, and cost-effective intervention strategy for both pre-venting and treating behavior disorders in children.
Handbook of Parent Training, Third Edition offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest research findings and clinical developments in parent training from leading innovators in the field. Featuring new chapters, this thoroughly revised and updated edition covers...
A guide to the latest tools for teaching effective and positive parenting skills
In the last three decades, parent training has establish...
In the past twenty-five years, the practice of play therapy has increased exponentially in America and throughout the world. This handbook brings together an international group of scholars and therapists to address a wide variety of topics relevant to the rapidly expanding field of play therapy. The primary goal of the handbook is to provide play therapists with practical information they can put into immediate use in their clinical work with children and adolescents. Thus the focus is on advances in assessment, theory, research, and practice that have universal appeal, rather than on...
In the past twenty-five years, the practice of play therapy has increased exponentially in America and throughout the world. This handbook brings toge...
The second edition of Play Therapy Techniques includes seven new chapters in addition to the original twenty-four. These lively chapters expand the comprehensive scope of the book by describing issues involved in beginning and ending therapy, using metaphors, playing music and ball, and applying the renowned "Color Your Life" technique. The extensive selection of play techniques described in this book will add to the clinical repertoire of students and practitioners of child therapy and counseling. When used in combination with formal education and clinical supervision, Play Therapy...
The second edition of Play Therapy Techniques includes seven new chapters in addition to the original twenty-four. These lively chapters expand the co...
"Play Therapy in Action is a wonderful resource for the person new to play therapy or for a person wishing to review. It contains a wealth of information in presenting succinct perspectives on various theories of play therapy. These theories then transfer from the abstract into the functional realm of practice so that the reader can move from the cognitive understanding to the experimental. Practitioners will recognize some of their own experiences in the cases presented and be exposed to nee possibilities for treatment. It is rare to find a single volume where such an abundance of...
"Play Therapy in Action is a wonderful resource for the person new to play therapy or for a person wishing to review. It contains a wealth of informat...
Family play therapy and play therapy need not be exclusionary. The two approaches actually can enhance and enrich each other. While each therapist ultimately will use his or her own ideas in the critical combining of both methods, Family Play Therapy offers various possibilities and as such, helps therapists to help their family patients to be readily engaged in treatment and to experience therapy as a fun, inclusive, transforming time together.
Family play therapy and play therapy need not be exclusionary. The two approaches actually can enhance and enrich each other. While each therapist ult...