Nations worry about their shrinking sovereignty as large numbers of immigrants cross borders at will. This collection of essays asks if globalization is killing off the nation state.
Nations worry about their shrinking sovereignty as large numbers of immigrants cross borders at will. This collection of essays asks if globalization ...
"Guests and Aliens" presents a comprehensive analysis of worldwide immigration by one of the world s leading experts on globalization. Putting the current crisis of immigration into a historical context for the first time, Sassen suggests that the American experience represents only one phase in a history of global border crossing. She describes the mass migrations of Italians and Eastern European Jews during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the international dislocations particularly after the end of World War II that have engendered the refugee concept. Using these...
"Guests and Aliens" presents a comprehensive analysis of worldwide immigration by one of the world s leading experts on globalization. Putting the ...
There's no getting around it anymore. We are in an age of globalization, and cities around the world are being challenged in brand new ways with no historical precedents to guide them. The highly anticipated international building exhibition IBA Hamburg 2013 is preparing to tackle the many challenges that apply to metropolises around the world in our era, asking difficult questions and soliciting innovative responses. Socially and geographically, how can we bring peripheral districts back into the city? How can we tap the full potential of international urban society? How can we cope with the...
There's no getting around it anymore. We are in an age of globalization, and cities around the world are being challenged in brand new ways with no hi...
Framing the Global explores new and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of global issues. Essays are framed around the entry points or key concepts that have emerged in each contributor's engagement with global studies in the course of empirical research, offering a conceptual toolkit for global research in the 21st century.
Framing the Global explores new and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of global issues. Essays are framed around the entry points or key co...
Framing the Global explores new and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of global issues. Essays are framed around the entry points or key concepts that have emerged in each contributor's engagement with global studies in the course of empirical research, offering a conceptual toolkit for global research in the 21st century.
Framing the Global explores new and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of global issues. Essays are framed around the entry points or key co...
When we talk about globalization, we tend to focus on its social and economic benefits. In Governance in the New Global Disorder, the political philosopher Daniel Innerarity considers its unsettling and largely unacknowledged consequences. The "opening" of different societies to new ideas, products, and forms of prosperity has introduced a persistent uncertainty, or disorder, into everyday life. Multinational corporations have weakened sovereignty. We no longer know who is in control or who is responsible. Economies can collapse without sufficient warning, and the effort to rebuild can...
When we talk about globalization, we tend to focus on its social and economic benefits. In Governance in the New Global Disorder, the political...
Soaring income inequality and unemployment, expanding populations of the displaced and imprisoned, accelerating destruction of land and water bodies: today's socioeconomic and environmental dislocations cannot be fully understood in the usual terms of poverty and injustice, according to Saskia Sassen. They are more accurately understood as a type of expulsion--from professional livelihood, from living space, even from the very biosphere that makes life possible.
This hard-headed critique updates our understanding of economics for the twenty-first century, exposing a system with...
Soaring income inequality and unemployment, expanding populations of the displaced and imprisoned, accelerating destruction of land and water bodie...
What determines the flow of labor and capital in this new global information economy? Who has the capacity to coordinate this new system, to create some measure of order? What happens to territoriality and sovereignty, two fundamental principles of the modern state? And who gains rights and who loses rights? Losing Control? examines the rise of private transnational legal codes and supranational institutions, such as the World Trade Organization and universal human rights covenants, and shows that though sovereignty remains an important feature of the international system, it is no longer...
What determines the flow of labor and capital in this new global information economy? Who has the capacity to coordinate this new system, to create so...
Cities in a World Economy examines the emergence of global cities as a new social formation, as well as sites of rapid and widespread developments in the areas of finance, information and people.
Cities in a World Economy examines the emergence of global cities as a new social formation, as well as sites of rapid and widespread developments in ...