In electronic circuit and system design, the word noise is used to refer to any undesired excitation on the system. In other contexts, noise is also used to refer to signals or excitations which exhibit chaotic or random behavior. The source of noise can be either internal or external to the system. For instance, the thermal and shot noise generated within integrated circuit devices are in- ternal noise sources, and the noise picked up from the environment through electromagnetic interference is an external one. Electromagnetic interference can also occur between different components of the...
In electronic circuit and system design, the word noise is used to refer to any undesired excitation on the system. In other contexts, noise is also u...
Analog circuit design is often the bottleneck when designing mixed analog-digital systems. A Top-Down, Constraint-Driven DesignMethodology for Analog Integrated Circuits presents a new methodology based on a top-down, constraint-driven design paradigm that provides a solution to this problem. This methodology has two principal advantages: (1) it provides a high probability for the first silicon which meets all specifications, and (2) it shortens the design cycle. A Top-Down, Constraint-Driven Design Methodology for Analog IntegratedCircuits is part...
Analog circuit design is often the bottleneck when designing mixed analog-digital systems. A Top-Down, Constraint-Driven DesignMethodolo...
Compiled from the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT 2002, held in Grenoble, France, in October 2002, this volume contains 13 invited papers and 17 revised full papers. The book spans the whole range of embedded software, including operating systems and middleware, programming languages and compilers, modelling and validation, software engineering and programming methodologies, scheduling and execution-time analysis, formal methods, and communication protocols and fault tolerance.
Compiled from the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT 2002, held in Grenoble, France, in October 2002, thi...
Circuit simulation has been a topic of great interest to the integrated circuit design community for many years. It is a difficult, and interesting, problem be cause circuit simulators are very heavily used, consuming thousands of computer hours every year, and therefore the algorithms must be very efficient. In addi tion, circuit simulators are heavily relied upon, with millions of dollars being gambled on their accuracy, and therefore the algorithms must be very robust. At the University of California, Berkeley, a great deal of research has been devoted to the study of both the numerical...
Circuit simulation has been a topic of great interest to the integrated circuit design community for many years. It is a difficult, and interesting, p...
This book offers readers broad coverage of techniques to model, verify and validate the behavior and performance of complex distributed embedded systems. The authors attempt to bridge the gap between the three disciplines of model-based design, real-time analysis and model-driven development, for a better understanding of the ways in which new development flows can be constructed, going from system-level modeling to the correct and predictable generation of a distributed implementation, leveraging current and future research results.
This book offers readers broad coverage of techniques to model, verify and validate the behavior and performance of complex distributed embedded syste...
In electronic circuit and system design, the word noise is used to refer to any undesired excitation on the system. In other contexts, noise is also used to refer to signals or excitations which exhibit chaotic or random behavior. The source of noise can be either internal or external to the system. For instance, the thermal and shot noise generated within integrated circuit devices are in- ternal noise sources, and the noise picked up from the environment through electromagnetic interference is an external one. Electromagnetic interference can also occur between different components of the...
In electronic circuit and system design, the word noise is used to refer to any undesired excitation on the system. In other contexts, noise is also u...
This book offers readers broad coverage of techniques to model, verify and validate the behavior and performance of complex distributed embedded systems. The authors attempt to bridge the gap between the three disciplines of model-based design, real-time analysis and model-driven development, for a better understanding of the ways in which new development flows can be constructed, going from system-level modeling to the correct and predictable generation of a distributed implementation, leveraging current and future research results.
This book offers readers broad coverage of techniques to model, verify and validate the behavior and performance of complex distributed embedded syste...
The term intelligent or smart building refers to the next generation of buildings that provide new levels of comfort to the occupants with minimum possible energy consumption. They not only follow commands but also proactively learn from occupants' behavior and adapt their operation based on the indoor and outdoor conditions. These buildings are no longer solely consumers of energy, but also significant players in the ecosystem of the smart grid, in that they provide regulation services to the grid as well as energy if equipped with solar panels or other green sources. Intelligent buildings...
The term intelligent or smart building refers to the next generation of buildings that provide new levels of comfort to the occupants with minimum pos...
Addressing the rising security issues during the design stages of cyber-physical systems, this book develops a systematic approach to address security at early design stages together with all other design constraints. Cyber-attacks become more threatening as systems are becoming more connected with the surrounding environment, infrastructures, and other systems. Security mechanisms can be designed to protect against attacks and meet security requirements, but there are many challenges of applying security mechanisms to cyber-physical systems including open environments, limited resources,...
Addressing the rising security issues during the design stages of cyber-physical systems, this book develops a systematic approach to address security...