The chapters in this book address larger questions of human capability and the meaning of life and death with guidance on a range of everyday topics, from love and marriage, to health and personal troubles, to the education of children. Showing us the ways in which we readily violate our own freedom and hand over control of our lives to others, Masami Saionji then offers practical tips on how we can change our habits, make the best use of our life-energy, and draw our our latent power to create an entirely new self.
The chapters in this book address larger questions of human capability and the meaning of life and death with guidance on a range of everyday topics, ...
At times, we all need guidance in our lives. This book awakens us to what is most important: the ultimate power inherent within us, the way our words and thoughts create our life, and how we each heal ourselves to perfect health. Reading even a few lines can fill your heart with hope and light.
At times, we all need guidance in our lives. This book awakens us to what is most important: the ultimate power inherent within us, the way our words ...
A bilingual book. En ocasiones todos necesitamos que nos orienten en la vida. Este libro nos despierta a lo mas importante: el poder supremo inherente en nosotros, el modo en que nuestras palabras y pensamientos crean nuestra vida y la forma en que cada uno de nosotros puede curarse para lograr una salud perfecta. Si lo lee, aunque solo sean unas lineas, su corazon se llenara de esperanza y luz. At times, we all need guidance in our lives. This book awakens us to what is most important: the ultimate power inherent within us, the way our words and thoughts create our life, and how we each heal...
A bilingual book. En ocasiones todos necesitamos que nos orienten en la vida. Este libro nos despierta a lo mas importante: el poder supremo inherente...
A bilingual book. As vezes, todos nos precisamos de orientacao em nossas vidas. Este livro nos desperta para o que ha de mais importante: o poder supremo inerente em nos, a maneira pela qual nossas palavras e pensamentos criam a nossa vida, e como cada um de nos pode curar-se e atingir a saude perfeita. A leitura de ate mesmo umas poucas linhas pode encher seu coracao de esperanca e luz. At times, we all need guidance in our lives. This book awakens us to what is most important: the ultimate power inherent within us, the way our words and thoughts create our life, and how we each heal...
A bilingual book. As vezes, todos nos precisamos de orientacao em nossas vidas. Este livro nos desperta para o que ha de mais importante: o poder supr...
With the passing of the centuries, human beings have forgotten their original selves which spring from the source of the universe. This book awakens that forgotten memory, allowing us to draw on an infinite source of love, vitality, and happiness. You Are the Universe is Masami Saionji's most fundamental work, compiled from a series of essays that awaken us to the inherent divinity of human beings, and the infinite wisdom and love that lie deep within us.
With the passing of the centuries, human beings have forgotten their original selves which spring from the source of the universe. This book awakens t...
Si nous persistons a vivre avec les valeurs du 20e siecle, l'humanite sera incapable de survivre au 21e siecle. Avant toute chose, le monde a maintenant besoin d'une revolution totale de la conscience. Le temps est venu de nous detourner des realites exterieures, du court terme et de l'ephemere pour explorer les valeurs interieures, durables et essentielles. Mon souhait est que le 21e siecle soit une ere de la personne, une ere ou chacun decouvrira sa nature profonde et son potentiel interieur."
Si nous persistons a vivre avec les valeurs du 20e siecle, l'humanite sera incapable de survivre au 21e siecle. Avant toute chose, le monde a maintena...
The chapters in this book address larger questions of human capability and the meaning of life and death with guidance on a range of everyday topics, from love and marriage, to health and personal troubles, to the education of children. Showing us the ways in which we readily violate our own freedom and hand over control of our lives to others, Masami Saionji offers practical tips on how we can change our habits, make the best use of our life-energy, and draw our our latent power to create an entirely new self.
The chapters in this book address larger questions of human capability and the meaning of life and death with guidance on a range of everyday topics, ...
En ocasiones todos necesitamos que nos orienten en la vida. Este libro nos despierta a lo mas importante: el poder supremo inherente en nosotros, el modo en que nuestras palabras y pensamientos crean nuestra vida y la forma en que cada uno de nosotros puede curarse para lograr una salud perfecta. Si lo lee, aunque solo sean unas lineas, su corazon se llenara de esperanza y luz."
En ocasiones todos necesitamos que nos orienten en la vida. Este libro nos despierta a lo mas importante: el poder supremo inherente en nosotros, el m...