No other modern philosopher has proved as influential as Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and none is as poorly understood. In the first new biography in decades, Rudiger Safranski, one of the foremost living Nietzsche scholars, re-creates the anguished life of Nietzsche while simultaneously assessing the philosophical implications of his morality, religion, and art. Struggling to break away from the oppressive burdens of the past, Nietzsche invented a unique philosophy based on compulsive self-consciousness and constant self-revision. As groundbreaking as it will be long-lasting, this...
No other modern philosopher has proved as influential as Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and none is as poorly understood. In the first new biography ...
This richly detailed biography of a key figure in nineteenth-century philosophy pays equal attention to the life and to the work of Arthur Schopenhauer. Rudiger Safranski places this visionary skeptic in the context of his philosophical predecessors and contemporaries Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel--and explores the sources of his profound alienation from their "secularized religion of reason." He also provides a narrative of Schopenhauer's personal and family life that reads like a Romantic novel: the struggle to break free from a domineering father, the attempt to come to terms with his...
This richly detailed biography of a key figure in nineteenth-century philosophy pays equal attention to the life and to the work of Arthur Schopenh...
According to current deabtes, 'individualization' has frequently been proposed as the conceptual counterpart to 'globalization'. It has often seemed that nothing would be left once these processes have fully unfolded, other than individual human atoms dispersed on a globe without any political, economic or cultural structures.
Regardless of whether this description is based on any good and valid observation, nobody drew the conclusion that suddenly emerges as evident after reading Rudiger Safranski's lucid and timely exploration of the issue: globalization, if it occurs,...
According to current deabtes, 'individualization' has frequently been proposed as the conceptual counterpart to 'globalization'. It has often seemed t...
According to current deabtes, 'individualization' has frequently been proposed as the conceptual counterpart to 'globalization'. It has often seemed that nothing would be left once these processes have fully unfolded, other than individual human atoms dispersed on a globe without any political, economic or cultural structures.
Regardless of whether this description is based on any good and valid observation, nobody drew the conclusion that suddenly emerges as evident after reading Rudiger Safranski's lucid and timely exploration of the issue: globalization, if it occurs,...
According to current deabtes, 'individualization' has frequently been proposed as the conceptual counterpart to 'globalization'. It has often seemed t...
"Das Böse ist kein Begriff, sondern ein Name für das Bedrohliche, das dem freien Bewußtsein begegnen und von ihm getan werden kann. Es begegnet ihm in der Natur dort, wo sie sich dem Sinnverlangen verschließt, im Chaos, in der Kontingenz, in der Entropie, im Fressen und Gefressenwerden. In der Leere draußen im Weltraum ebenso wie im eigenen Selbst, im schwarzen Loch der Existenz. Und das Bewußtsein kann die Grausamkeit, die Zerstörung wählen um ihrer selbst willen. Die Gründe dafür sind der Abgrund, der sich im Menschen auftut. Dieses Buch bahnt sich einen Weg durch das Dickicht der...
"Das Böse ist kein Begriff, sondern ein Name für das Bedrohliche, das dem freien Bewußtsein begegnen und von ihm getan werden kann. Es begegnet ihm...
Jugendliches Genie, Revolutionr, Dichter. Rdiger Safranski entstaubt in seiner Schiller-Biographie eine der schwungvollsten Gestalten unserer Literatur. Friedrich Schiller lutete mit seinem Enthusiasmus die Epoche der deutschen Geistesgeschichte ein, die man spter den Deutschen Idealismus genannt hat. Mit diesem groen Buch ber Schillers Leben und Denken knnte seine Renaissance beginnen.
Jugendliches Genie, Revolutionr, Dichter. Rdiger Safranski entstaubt in seiner Schiller-Biographie eine der schwungvollsten Gestalten unserer Literatu...
Die Romantik, neben dem Idealismus der Inbegriff des deutschen Geistes, ist in aufgeklrten Zeiten an den Rand gedrngt worden. Rdiger Safranski holt sie fr uns ins Zentrum zurck. Er beschreibt die Romantik als Epoche, ihre Zeitgenossen Tieck, Novalis, Fichte, Schelling, Schleiermacher oder Dorothea Veit, die fr die Entfesselung des Genies stehen, fr den Aufbruch ins Grenzenlose, fr die Lust am Experiment. Und er erzhlt die Geschichte des Romantischen, die bis heute fortlebt. Sie handelt von der Karriere des Imaginren und fhrt ber Heine, Richard Wagner, Nietzsche und Thomas Mann bis zu den...
Die Romantik, neben dem Idealismus der Inbegriff des deutschen Geistes, ist in aufgeklrten Zeiten an den Rand gedrngt worden. Rdiger Safranski holt si...
The renowned scholar Rudiger Safranski s "Romanticism: A German Affair "both offers an accessible overview of Romanticism and, more critically, traces its lasting influence, for better and for ill, on German culture. Safranski begins with the eighteenthcentury "Sturm und Drang "movement, which would sow the seeds for Romanticism in Germany. While Romanticism was a broad artistic, literary, and intellectual movement, German thinkers were especially concerned with its strong philosophical-metaphysical and religious dimension. Safranski follows this spirit in its afterlife in the work of...
The renowned scholar Rudiger Safranski s "Romanticism: A German Affair "both offers an accessible overview of Romanticism and, more critically, traces...